This shows how to make a signature when you're a Scratcher. Have fun!
1) Go to the forums.
2) Click on profile.
3) Once there, click on Personality.
4) Insert your signature.
5) Click submit.
Congratulations! You've just created a signature!
Nice guide. Sticky-worthy, but sadly, they don't sticky anymore.
owetre18 wrote:
Nice guide. Sticky-worthy, but sadly, they don't sticky anymore.
owetre18 wrote:
Nice guide. Sticky-worthy, but sadly, they don't sticky anymore.
Yes they do.
I think they might have one of these somewhere though...
Yes, but it's in New Scratch Members, so maybe this one could be ITopiced here in AAS.
FallenIce wrote:
I got a sig ready for when i'm a scratcher
Same, I made it about about a week ago! I'm hoping I'll get to show it off soon...
RedRocker227 wrote:
FallenIce wrote:
I got a sig ready for when i'm a scratcher
Same, I made it about about a week ago!
I'm hoping I'll get to show it off soon...
Haha, I did that when I was new. Like, a month before I got updated I made a signature. Hey, it looks like you'll be a Scratcher pretty soon!
owetre18 wrote:
Nice guide. Sticky-worthy, but sadly, they don't sticky anymore.
They do. I got my topic stickied last week!