Why do people f5 topics they dont own?
I mean, I get why they do it to their own, but why to others?
i see
maybe they love the topic
they want to preserve the topic
SpriteMaster wrote:
Why do people f5 topics they dont own?
I mean, I get why they do it to their own, but why to others?
How do you know people do that?
777w wrote:
i see
maybe they love the topic
they want to preserve the topic
Why do you write like that?
I mean
you right like
in lines
for some reason
I don't know why
but I find it annoying
and unnecessary
sci_test wrote:
Maybe people sometimes look at it, but decide they don't want to post.
Im sorry but people dont look at a topic 500 times without f5ing for no reason
calebxy wrote:
777w wrote:
i see
maybe they love the topic
they want to preserve the topicWhy do you write like that?
I mean
you right like
in lines
for some reason
I don't know why
but I find it annoying
and unnecessary
Me too, until recently. Well, still. When used correctly, it's not so bad. 7772's was done well. Although the newlines could really be replaced with a comma, period, period, semicolon, and semicolon.
maxskywalker wrote:
calebxy wrote:
777w wrote:
i see
maybe they love the topic
they want to preserve the topicWhy do you write like that?
I mean
you right like
in lines
for some reason
I don't know why
but I find it annoying
and unnecessaryMe too, until recently. Well, still. When used correctly, it's not so bad. 777w's was done well. Although the newlines could really be replaced with a comma, period, period, semicolon, and semicolon.
veggie posted something
he called it /n
he said
when done correctly
its cool
i dont really think so
Harakou wrote:
For the lulz? I don't know. To be honest, I don't see why it matters. I didn't even know anyone paid attention to view counts on threads.
I thought it was cool when I got the 26000th view on that topic. XD
maxskywalker wrote:
calebxy wrote:
777w wrote:
i see
maybe they love the topic
they want to preserve the topicWhy do you write like that?
I mean
you right like
in lines
for some reason
I don't know why
but I find it annoying
and unnecessaryMe too, until recently. Well, still. When used correctly, it's not so bad. 7772's was done well. Although the newlines could really be replaced with a comma, period, period, semicolon, and semicolon.
sometimes thats the case
but sometimes
its just smooooooth
thanks for the compliment, btw
edit: btw, not every comma should be replaced by a new line if your talkin like this
like, say, those two commas i just put
Last edited by 777w (2011-11-24 07:14:59)
SpriteMaster wrote:
Why do people f5 topics they dont own?
I mean, I get why they do it to their own, but why to others?
Some people get really mad about it.. not that I do it I mean
777w wrote:
i see
maybe they love the topic
they want to preserve the topic
Did veggieman001 duplicate his brain and gave it to you?
Wickimen wrote:
*presses F5*
What does it do?
Refreshes the page/Adds +1 view.
For the record, I didn't say it was cool.
I just said it's better when you make the linebreaks in the right places.
sci_test wrote:
maxskywalker wrote:
calebxy wrote:
Why do you write like that?
I mean
you right like
in lines
for some reason
I don't know why
but I find it annoying
and unnecessaryMe too, until recently. Well, still. When used correctly, it's not so bad. 777w's was done well. Although the newlines could really be replaced with a comma, period, period, semicolon, and semicolon.
veggie posted something
he called it /n
he said
when done correctly
its cool
i dont really think so
That was what made the whole thing
a little less annoying.
Attempt successful?
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Wickimen wrote:
*presses F5*
What does it do?Refreshes the page/Adds +1 view.
It doesn't work on Safari.