I'm making a remix of th fish chomp game, and after adding better graphics as well as a health bar, enemies, more fish, etc., suddenly one of the goldfish refuses to be eaten. Its script is exactly the same as the other two goldfish. Also, the two bonus fish I made also suddenly stopped being eaten. Does anyone know what's going on?
I doubt the two scripts are EXACTLY the same, that would probably be impossible. Can you upload the project please?
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/17454538_extras/2153295 Here is the project.
It looks like where it says:
<if><<<touching[ hungry fish <and> <touching color[(color) >>
The fish you're claiming that are not working have their "<touching color[ set to a dark shade of blue. Where as the fish that are working, have theirs set to black.
Yes, thats the problem: you have the wrong shade of colour. The colour you're using for that fish is dark blue, whereas for the rest, it is black (The correct colour of the fish's mouth) I hope you continue making your chomp game! ~anuw