we should be able to import large images without the program automatically scaling it. i imported a platform map and it scaled down to a height of about 20px's and wouldnt return to its proper look when i enlarged it. i was all bunched up and looked a real mess, which means i cant use the platform map i spent a full day making!
I aggre, this can be very annoying. Its happened to me loads!!! Look at the little dudes dance!!!
Cut it up and import it in bits.
that solves nothing, i wanted the map as a whole, not as hundreds of individual sprites that i need to program separately. plus that method means that you can see the sprites appearing as they come onto the screen, not just a smooth platform rolling on-screen.
a way to get around this would be to implement a canvas & desktop type thing like in Corel DRAW, so the sprites would appear off-screen and slide on giving the effect of a smoothly rolling ground