To all Scratchers whose plurals do not conform to the simple pattern singular+'s'.
Would you be so kind so to list the full set of plurals (even more than one for each word, if applicable) in your language for the following words?
* sprite
* script
* minute
* hour
* day
* week
* month
* year
* access
* tagger
* person
* download
* gallery
* member
* creator
* project
Please, add to the list of translations the singular form too, e.g. in Russian for the word "minute"
1 минута
2, 3, 4 минуты
5, 6, 7, 8 минут
If you saw other bad pluralizations in the website, please add them to the list.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Last edited by s_federici (2010-02-24 03:52:58)
I'm very sorry for the delayed response, here's a full set for the Russian language.
The words are listed in the following format:
[english] - [russian singular] - [russian plural a] - [russian plural b] - [russian plural c]
SINGULAR - for all numbers that end with 1, not counting numbers that end with 11. Example: 21 downloads
PLURAL A - for all numbers that end with 2, 3, 4, not counting numbers that end with 12, 13, 14. Example: 22 downloads
PLURAL B - for all numbers that end with 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and for numbers that end with 11, 12, 13, 14. Example: 11 downloads
PLURAL C - if no number is given. Example: do you want to delete these projects?
sprite -------------- спрайт ---------------- спрайта ---------------- спрайтов ------- спрайты
script -------------- скрипт ---------------- скрипта ---------------- скриптов ------- скрипты
minute ------------- минута ---------------- минуты ------------------ минут ---------- минуты
hour ------------------ час --------------------- часа --------------------- часов ----------- часы
day ------------------- день -------------------- дня ---------------------- дней ------------ дни
week --------------- неделя ---------------- недели ----------------- недель -------- недели
month -------------- месяц ----------------- месяца ----------------- месяцев ------- месяцы
year ------------------ год ---------------------- года -------------------- годов ----------- годы
access ------------- доступ ---------------- доступа ---------------- доступов ------- доступы
tagger -------------- тэггер ----------------- тэггера ---------------- теггеров ------- тэггеров
person ------------ человек -------------- человека --------------- человек --------- людей
download --- человек скачал --- человека скачало --- человек скачало ----- ???
gallery ------------ сборник --------------- сборника ------------- сборников ---- сборники
member ------------- член ------------------- члена ------------------ членов --------- членов
creator ---------- создатель ------------ создателя ------------- создателей --- создателей
project ------------ проект ---------------- проекта ---------------- проектов ------ проекты
I translated "downloads" as "people downloaded" because the russian word for "downloads" sounded very clumsy...
Dutch tends to use english words for computer-ish language instead of creating its own words
The words with + s can't be translated into Dutch and therefore use the English forms.
No need for columns - at pluralization Dutch is a very easy language. Verbs tend to be way more complicated - well, you didn't ask for verbs...
English Singular > Dutch Singular; Dutch Plural
sprite + s
script + s
minute > 1 minuut; 2 minuten
hour > 1 uur; 2 uren
day > 1 dag; 2 dagen
week > 1 week ; 2 weken
month > 1 maand ; 2 maand
year > 1 jaar; 2 jaren
access > toegang; (no plural - "1 toegang" is weird too; Should be like 2 times accessed (2 maal bekeken)
tagger (+ s better then the translation used) > 1 labelaar; 2 labelaars ( it's the word used but it's a bad translation)
person > 1 persoon; 2 personen
download + s
gallery > 1 gallerie; 2 gallerieën
member > 1 lid; 2 leden (irregular plural)
creator > 1maker; 2 makers
project > 1 project; 2 projecten
@MRN - Someone in my class speaks Russian with her mom on the phone It sounds so cool xD
Your pluralization is simple... the poor Scratch Team will probably have a hard time with my plurals. D: