We recently changed the names of the 'Top Loved' and 'Top Viewed' rows on the Scratch Homepage to "What the community is loving" and "What the community is viewing." We made these changes because we want the names to reflect the community spirit of the Scratch Website.
Right now these rows function in the same way as they always have. Why change the name? Some people in the Scratch Team felt that "Tops" puts too much emphasis on competition. It's fine that many Scratchers like to compete, often this leads to really cool projects. But we don't want to give the impression that the goal of participating in the Scratch community is to make it to the top loved / viewed slots. We think people like to Scratch because it's fun to make cool stuff and share it with others in the community. So we want these rows to indicate what's going on in the community lately rather than what projects are in the "tops."
I agree. Those are pretty good reasons. But to be consistent, you might want to change "Top Remixed" too.
Oh! I didn't ever think of it that way! Thanks for the explaination Andrés!
¡Oh! No pienses de esa manera! Gracias por la explaination Andrés!
I think its better this way. It will help some people wrap their minds around the fact that art is a phase in the community, and should not be banned or separated. (Lots of disscusions with this topic)
fg123 wrote:
YAY! what-the's name is always on the front page now!!
Anyway, I like it! Better than the plain "Top ___". At least I think so.
It does sound less competitive and better over all.
I like it! Except it sounds a little weird. Maybe you could reword it? But I like the idea of making it less competitive.
I love it! You know how people used to say "How did that get Top Loved?"? They seemed to think that everyone loved it, not the majority. But now it's obvious that it's "So that's what the Community is loving right now!". Great change!
One thing, though - when it says "What the Scratch Community is viewing", that sounds like "What is being viewed right now". Wouldn't it be better to call it "What the Scratch Community has been viewing"? Like that, it gets rid of the "Ooh, something's being viewed right now!" and makes it more of "So that is what's been viewed lately".
I would like both Loved and Viewed to be changed.
Here's my suggestion "What the Scratch Community is viewing" to "has been viewing", that covers that.
I'm very happy it's changed! It will remove all the rough feelings (well, some of them...) about "I'M NOT ON TOP VIEWED" OR "I WANNA BE TOP LOVED". The name sounds more friendly, and just shows what the community is doing.
nice... but small
I think it's a great idea. I'm sure it's tough to balance openness to development of young scratchers ('young' based on experience, I mean) with a focus on the great developers we have.
Last edited by fbboi999 (2009-11-28 23:08:10)
Jonathanpb wrote:
One thing, though - when it says "What the Scratch Community is viewing", that sounds like "What is being viewed right now". Wouldn't it be better to call it "What the Scratch Community has been viewing"? Like that, it gets rid of the "Ooh, something's being viewed right now!" and makes it more of "So that is what's been viewed lately".
I would like both Loved and Viewed to be changed.
Interesting point! We talked about this when considering the change, and decided that the risk of confusion wasn't too much of a worry. Your suggestion is more clear, but it also makes things pretty long... we like to keep things short and tidy on the front page.
Maybe "What's being viewed lately?" would be short enough, but we kind of like having "community" in there... Any other thoughts?
I still think you should change the "Top Remixed" as well. It makes things more consistent.
I like the change, but you should make it shorter. It's too long. Like 'The Community's Picks' or something short and catchy.