Maybe scratch could have a save-data system based on saving Select lists to the Browser's Cache (like flash games) like for instance if a project saved a game as a list (current scratch list system) of values, then the creator could set that list to be downloaded to the project user upon call (like on the press of a "save" button), and reloaded from the user's browser cache again when the project starts. This would be a better alternative to imputing a code to reload a save game - and would work for long platformers, Creativity projects and many more. Comments on this are welcome.
So you are propsing that scratch dedicate a bit of their server space to be able to be used to store information, so that we could have games saved, and then continue them at at later date?
It's He and yes, I meant Cookies or for larger data using the Temporary Internet Files Cache.
Cookies would be good.