I uploaded 2 projects hoping to link my webpage to them so my students could see the project.
I forgot that they can down load the finished project - eek!!
1. how can I take the projects off your site?
2. Just for my information, How would I link to the shared projects. I tried using the info on the website but it did not work.
Try reading the thread at
I finally got embedding to work on my web pages (except for the residual bugs in the Java interpreter of scratch programs---my web pages only work as well as the ones on scratch.mit.edu).
ok - i figured out how to remove the projects. Is there anyway to put them on this server but prevent the code from being downloaded?
Currently there is no way to prevent people to download the code. This is a feature not a bug though. We want to encourage sharing (some people call it copying :-) We believe that sharing is an important part of building and learning. Also, in professional software development, very often things are built from zero. Scratch itself is based on Squeak, this website uses PHP, MySQL and some other pre-made applications that we just copied.
However, if enough people are interested in hiding code we might reconsider this. We are all about getting input from you, the community.