maki wrote:
In English, it says "I saw the earth."
English: Good for you.
Last edited by Gallade_X-treme (2008-12-13 17:04:36)
maki, the wizard of L.O.L. wrote:
90% of teens would die if Myspace had a system failure and was destroyed. Copy and paste to your signature if you're one of the 10% who'd be laughing!
Gallade_X-treme wrote:
maki wrote:
In English, it says "I saw the earth."
English: Good for you.
こにちわ: konnichi wa. that does'nt mean hello. it means good afternoon. it was also written wrong (since japanese strictly does not have an alphabet). it has to be written like this...こんにちは. it's also a choice to believe in the word kana. hiragana and katakana are both pust together to spell the word kana.
brawlman44 wrote:
こにちわ: konnichi wa. that does'nt mean hello. it means good afternoon. it was also written wrong (since japanese strictly does not have an alphabet). it has to be written like this...こんにちは. it's also a choice to believe in the word kana. hiragana and katakana are both pust together to spell the word kana.
Calm down. I don't know any Japanese. I just used Google Translate.
We have a Japanese forum already, you can check it out here:
Just don't abuse the Google translate function to reply; the Japanese forums are mainly for Scratchers who are not very good with English and need a Japanese forum section to talk. ^^
cheddargirl wrote:
We have a Japanese forum already, you can check it out here:
Just don't abuse the Google translate function to reply; the Japanese forums are mainly for Scratchers who are not very good with English and need a Japanese forum section to talk. ^^
Me gusta.
Gallade_X-treme wrote:
maki wrote:
In English, it says "I saw the earth."
English: Good for you.
actually, it says good afternoon... こにちわ is also wrong. it needs the hiragana "n".
but, keep tryin'.
also, あなたにとっていいですね (anata nitotte ii desu ne) means "you have good hopes eh?"
keep on tryin' you'll get better.
Gallade_X-treme wrote:
brawlman44 wrote:
こにちわ: konnichi wa. that does'nt mean hello. it means good afternoon. it was also written wrong (since japanese strictly does not have an alphabet). it has to be written like this...こんにちは. it's also a choice to believe in the word kana. hiragana and katakana are both pust together to spell the word kana.
Calm down. I don't know any Japanese. I just used Google Translate.
woah, i'm not being mean. i'm just trying to give off the right information that google has done wrong. never use google translate too much. if you abuse it, then you won't really leanr. try typing down on the search bar this: learning japanese romaji and kana. read through the forum and you'll see much more of my help in there.
please, never give up and keep on going! aim for the japanese language star!