i was wondering if there was a way, maybe using stamping or something, to have a trail following your sprite, kind of like in this (http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/fbrd/161876) project. does anyone know and acre to tell me? it would be a juge help to the game im trying to work on.
I can't view the project you're talking about, but there's probably a way to use the stamp effect to do that, but it might be harder than it sounds. You could probably make a lot of costumes or have sprites that follow the main sprite.
Make the trail out of sprites, then put the code on the trail sprite.
<when green flag clicked><repeat until>put in what happens for it to stop<go to[ sprite you want it to follow<wait(0.5 )secsc>
This Should work. Hope it Helps {:>)
I tried doing this with stamping the other day, but got bored so gave up; it wasn't very succesful anyway.
You could do this with multiple sprites however. Bosox created a bubble follow game, which is a great example of this:
here's another way to do it:
i really was trying to avoid having a bunch of sprites to have the trail. actually, JSO succeded in doing that. here the link: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/JSOlabs/317351
You could have the pen down and as thick as your sprite is big.
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Chains wrote:
ok, it there a way to have a ghost affect on the trail? (btw i am using the trail that JSO made. the link is above)
well chains you make the colour sorta in-between the background and the sprite main colour. if you have mor coulours in teh background then say 'when sprit touching coulor (red) set coulor to.