This topic is for P110 and I to collaborate easier on specifically EternityX1, a website platform for Eternity Incurakai to use. It is to feature a project browsing area (similar to that of scratch's), profiling, and much more.
jvvg wrote:
Is there any way I could test it? I'd like to see if there are any improvements I can make.
ive already started in on implementing the full alpha version. but, when we get this part done, you will be more than welcome to test it.
ok, P110, I created new contents for the <head> tag, to lay out and stuff. It is in both the admin_avatar.php, and admin_ban.php
I'll finish implementing all of the admin_ files
I'll need you to add it to the change_ files
when adding it, change the title, author, description, and keywords metatags accordingly. And the title tag.
XenoK wrote:
ok, P110, I created new contents for the <head> tag, to lay out and stuff. It is in both the admin_avatar.php, and admin_ban.php
I'll need you to add it to the change_ files and report_ files
when adding it, change the title, author, description, and keywords metatags accordingly. And the title tag.
jvvg wrote:
You might want to fix your footer...
XenoK, is working on it, that is why it's down
P110 wrote:
jvvg wrote:
You might want to fix your footer..., is working on it, that is why it's down
footer is fixed, Have you fixed the change_ and report_ files?
the stylesheet is completely reorganized. There may be a few things left undone, but that, I can do later. Lots of other things to do for it.
I'll start working on the logs
P110 wrote:
Anything else?
well, I'm currently fixing the pages files, how about you create a notifications file in the includes directory and design the notifications section? (it'll output two variables, just design it for now, and have the contents be testing for both.. the variables will be messages, and reports.) Then, you can add the include statement to some of the files.
Moving into the login page, I've made a note to myself to clean it up further as far as error organization.
other things to do:
- add contact form to banned page
- remove contact link from maintenance page