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Per Scratch Trademark Policy on this page:
The Scratch trademarks, including the Scratch name, logo, the Scratch Cat and Gobo graphics (the "Marks"), are property of MIT, and the use of the Marks is governed by this policy.
What are the "Gobo graphics" and the "Marks" exactly?
Gobo is a lovable little creature made up by the Scratch team and is one of the default sprites on Scratch. I'm not sure what the "Marks" refers to.
"scratch cat and gobo grahpics" are the drawings of the characters, scratch cat and gobo. "the marks" may also be referring to this but i really dont know
oldwhy wrote:
Thanks guys. Now I got the idea. Gobo is another built in sprite other then the cat.
As for the "Marks", I guess it's the "marks" from "trademarks".
possibly, id wait for an st member to explain it fully
oldwhy wrote:
Thanks guys. Now I got the idea. Gobo is another built in sprite other then the cat.
As for the "Marks", I guess it's the "marks" from "trademarks".
"The Marks" refers to the "Scratch name, logo, the Scratch Cat and Gobo graphics" and all the other trademarks, so you're right.
Sometimes it help having a relative who is a lawyer
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