yeah i know i messed up once . but ive changed and im a good friend to everyone on the scratch website . although im not well known i still deserve to be a scratch moderator . so can you please anser me and fairly judge my question .
marmzkittykat wrote:
yeah i know i messed up once . but ive changed and im a good friend to everyone on the scratch website . although im not well known i still deserve to be a scratch moderator . so can you please anser me and fairly judge my question .
Moderator Elections are held whenever the Scratch Team feels that they need another moderator. If you'd like to become one, just sign up at the next one (I don't know when it is) and you may get elected!
In the meantime, this really isn't the right place for this topic, so I've reported it for you
SJRCS_011 wrote:
marmzkittykat wrote:
yeah i know i messed up once . but ive changed and im a good friend to everyone on the scratch website . although im not well known i still deserve to be a scratch moderator . so can you please anser me and fairly judge my question .
Moderator Elections are held whenever the Scratch Team feels that they need another moderator. If you'd like to become one, just sign up at the next one (I don't know when it is) and you may get elected!
In the meantime, this really isn't the right place for this topic, so I've reported it for you![]()
wait what you reported it ! aaaa no i dont want to get blocked again !
marmzkittykat wrote:
SJRCS_011 wrote:
marmzkittykat wrote:
yeah i know i messed up once . but ive changed and im a good friend to everyone on the scratch website . although im not well known i still deserve to be a scratch moderator . so can you please anser me and fairly judge my question .
Moderator Elections are held whenever the Scratch Team feels that they need another moderator. If you'd like to become one, just sign up at the next one (I don't know when it is) and you may get elected!
In the meantime, this really isn't the right place for this topic, so I've reported it for you![]()
wait what you reported it ! aaaa no i dont want to get blocked again !
You won't! They're just going to move it to the correct spot.
Reports aren't just used for letting us know about bad things that people have done, they're for drawing the Moderator's and Scratch Team's attention to a thread that needs something done to it. In this case it just needs moving! I'm going to put it over in the "Questions About Scratch" forum!
As SJRCS_011 says above, there are moderator elections that are held when the Scratch Team need new moderators. Keep an eye out for them - they'll be announced in the Announcements forum. Once an election is announced, any Scratcher can run for the moderator position. A few of the Scratchers that the Scratch Team think will do well are chosen by them, and the final choices are voted on by the Scratchers themselves!
If you want to enter the elections I suggest posting constructively on the forums and doing your best to help people here. Familiarising yourself with the forums isn't a bad skill for a moderator either - such as where topics belong!
marmzkittykat wrote:
SJRCS_011 wrote:
marmzkittykat wrote:
yeah i know i messed up once . but ive changed and im a good friend to everyone on the scratch website . although im not well known i still deserve to be a scratch moderator . so can you please anser me and fairly judge my question .
Moderator Elections are held whenever the Scratch Team feels that they need another moderator. If you'd like to become one, just sign up at the next one (I don't know when it is) and you may get elected!
In the meantime, this really isn't the right place for this topic, so I've reported it for you![]()
wait what you reported it ! aaaa no i dont want to get blocked again !
Yeah, you won't get banned for posting in the wrong section. Everyone does it sometime (I have my share of them XD)
Don't worry about being banned, because, for the most part, you won't as long as you just don't spam or troll
EDIT: of course, sparks outposts me XD
Last edited by SJRCS_011 (2012-06-24 15:51:06)
SJRCS_011 wrote:
EDIT: of course, sparks outposts me XD
Sorry about that! Cheddargirl actually out-moved me too! I wondered why "Questions About Scratch" wasn't in the move options just now and finally realised she'd moved it while I was typing! Looks like we're all busy being helpful today!
sparks wrote:
SJRCS_011 wrote:
EDIT: of course, sparks outposts me XD
Sorry about that! Cheddargirl actually out-moved me too! I wondered why "Questions About Scratch" wasn't in the move options just now and finally realised she'd moved it while I was typing!
Looks like we're all busy being helpful today!
Yeah, we all <3 helpful mods. XD
Which is one thing among many voters look for in mod candidates come elections. That's one thing to think about, marmzkittykat , if you wish to run for mod someday. I'm sure you'll be helpful here though
@sparks: It isn't really a big deal, as I'm sure you know
EDIT #2: [offtopic]Sometimes I fell like I talk like a mod in this sort of topic, with all the smilies it use XD [/offtopic]
Last edited by SJRCS_011 (2012-06-24 15:58:44)
sparks wrote:
I use too many smilies.
And too many exclamation marks.
You actually used only 1.
But yes, you won't get banned for posting in the wrong topic.
coolhogs wrote:
sparks wrote:
I use too many smilies.
And too many exclamation marks.
See?!Me too.
Back on topic guys
as Lightnin once said somewhere (don't hold me to his exact wording; i don't remember all of it)
Lightnin wrote:
AHHHH!!!! Mod encouraged offtopic-ness!!! Why don't you go make a thread for this somewhere else?
Again, don't hold me to the exact wording
So, as a mod, you have to be able to get threads back on topic, as well as other things.
If you would like a free, comprehensive guide on moderating the Scratch Forums, go here
I just love adding a bit of humor to my posts
EDIT: ok, i found the exact wording:
Lightnin wrote:
Oh no: mod encouraged off topicness..Terrible!! Maybe instead of replying here you should make a suggestion in the suggestions forum
Last edited by SJRCS_011 (2012-06-25 12:17:58)
sparks wrote:
Reports aren't just used for letting us know about bad things that people have done, they're for drawing the Moderator's and Scratch Team's attention to a thread that needs something done to it. In this case it just needs moving! I'm going to put it over in the "Questions About Scratch" forum!
As SJRCS_011 says above, there are moderator elections that are held when the Scratch Team need new moderators. Keep an eye out for them - they'll be announced in the Announcements forum. Once an election is announced, any Scratcher can run for the moderator position. A few of the Scratchers that the Scratch Team think will do well are chosen by them, and the final choices are voted on by the Scratchers themselves!
If you want to enter the elections I suggest posting constructively on the forums and doing your best to help people here. Familiarising yourself with the forums isn't a bad skill for a moderator either - such as where topics belong!![]()
marmzkittykat wrote:
yeah i know i messed up once . but ive changed and im a good friend to everyone on the scratch website . although im not well known i still deserve to be a scratch moderator . so can you please anser me and fairly judge my question .
You may be able to become a moderator when the moderator elections start.
You don't need to worry about getting banned if all you did was post a topic in the wrong section.