When the background stops scrolling i want a certain sprite to appear. when that sprite appears i want another sprite to change costume and for both sprites to start jumping (using gravity) in a quicker succession. when they jump (using gravity) i want the back ground to start scrolling in the other direction.
Put this at the end of the background script:
Put this at the beginning of the background script:setAppear ▼toNow
Put this in the sprite you want to appear:setAppear ▼toNot Now
Put this in the sprite you want to change costumes:whenclicked
wait untilAppear=NowshowsetGravity ▼to0repeathowever long you want it to repeatiftouching colorcolor of groundsetGravity ▼to0change y by1setGravity ▼tothe larger this number is, the higher your sprite will jumpelsechangeGravity ▼by-1change y byGravity
As for the faster jumping, just decrease the height you want the sprites to jump to.whenclicked
wait untilAppear=Nowswitch to costumewhatever costume you want it to switch to