In case your wondering what that is, it's basically one of those things where one could be you drop a ball and it goes down all these ramps and it hits a bunch of dominoes, which cause a ball to drop down which pulls something else up which causes a cup full of small marbles fall, etc...
If you still don't understand, google it.
As a final project at this camp I'm going to I'm making one. Has anyone else ever made one of those? I think they're pretty awesome.
Oooh I made one one day
You knock over a domino, and it knocks over another domino, and that domino knocks over another domino, and that domino knocks over another domino, and that domino knocks over another domino, and that domino knocks over another domino, and that domino knocks over another domino, and that domino knocks over another domino, and that domino knocks over another domino, and that domino knocks over another domino, and that domino knocks over another domino, and that domino knocks over another domino, and that domino falls on the floor.
I had to make one for a science project once.
We dropped a marble on a track. The marble went down the track, and landed in a cup. The cup became heavier (due to the marbles in it) and pulled down on a rope attached to a pulley. The rope then pulled UP on a track containing more marbles. The marbles rolled down the ramp and hit a car. The car then hit some dominoes, they hit each other, and then started hitting bigger and bigger blocks of wood. The blocks of wood kept hitting each other, and eventually landed on the keyboard of someone's computer, turning it on.
jvvg wrote:
I had to make one for a science project once.
We dropped a marble on a track. The marble went down the track, and landed in a cup. The cup became heavier (due to the marbles in it) and pulled down on a rope attached to a pulley. The rope then pulled UP on a track containing more marbles. The marbles rolled down the ramp and hit a car. The car then hit some dominoes, they hit each other, and then started hitting bigger and bigger blocks of wood. The blocks of wood kept hitting each other, and eventually landed on the keyboard of someone's computer, turning it on.
That's cool!
The one I just finished went like this:
You drop 2 marbles into a tube, they roll down and transfer tubes. Then those marbles hit dominos which make a ball fall onto a cup, knocking it down, and hitting more dominoes. One of the dominoes has a string attached to it that when it falls, a block of wood falls with it. The wood was blocking a tennis ball which then falls down a ramp and curves around which then hits a gear. The gear turns and knocks down a domino which has a chain reaction until it knocks down a toy car down a ramp which knocks over a bottle of water, making it drop onto a candle and putting it out.
Long story about someone sabotaging the gear though...
I used to be obsessed with these when I was little. once, I made one where you turn on a sink and it fills a bucket that gets heavy with water and lifts up a track with a pulley and a marble rolls off and goes through this spiral thing and knocks into a toy car that gets pushed down a track and goes in a loop-de-loop and then goes through the finish line
it took me like 12 tries
I might still have the video...
I love cool chain reactions! I've made a few, but don't have any pictures.
I once made a really cool chain reaction using my Pico Cricket to change to a certain color after I clapped, which was sensed by a Pico light censor which caused a whole chain of reactions.
Theyre Awesome
right over here is so cool
I didnt make that
Last edited by sportsdude6 (2012-06-15 21:27:26)
hdarken wrote:
I've made one for a school project it took months to create but it was worth it.
Wow! Mine only took 3 days (and working during 2x44 minute periods and 1x80 minute period).
However, we got a 95% on it.
jvvg wrote:
We dropped a marble on a track. The marble went down the track, and landed in a cup. The cup became heavier (due to the marbles in it) and pulled down on a rope attached to a pulley. The rope then pulled UP on a track containing more marbles. The marbles rolled down the ramp and hit a car.
jslomba wrote:
you turn on a sink and it fills a bucket that gets heavy with water and lifts up a track with a pulley and a marble rolls off and goes through this spiral thing and knocks into a toy car that gets pushed down a track
did you steal mine and use marbles instead of water >:IIIIII
Do video games count?
I have this game called Crazy Machines, and it's really fun.
scratchisthebest wrote:
Do video games count?
I have this game called Crazy Machines, and it's really fun.
You mean a video game about creating rube goldberg machines?