Ceramics wrote:
i think a rick roll is something called a me me lol there so funny ilove them XD
I feel a sudden urge to epicify the entire scratch community! But wait! I can't do that alone! Join the movement (that does not yet exist)! See how you can help at: Link to epicness!
(Btw, this link has nothing to do with the "see how you can help" thing).
Last edited by PreoKid (2012-06-13 17:01:37)
TheCatAndTheBanana wrote:
BOBBYBOB3 wrote:
TheCatAndTheBanana wrote:
"This video contains content from Channel 5, WMG and Radio e Televisao Record, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
Channel 5 had nothing to do with it and didn't exist during the making.
Raido e Televisao - nothing to do with it
WMG - Money, money, moneyBANANA KITTY
I don't get it. WMG, I hate you.
WMG... I think that's a TV channel.
PreoKid wrote:
I feel a sudden urge to epicify the entire scratch community! But wait! I can't do that alone! Join the movement (that does not yet exist)! See how you can help at: Link to NON EPICNESS COLORING CONTEST
(Btw, this link has nothing to do with the "see how you can help" thing).