For anybody who owns the game and thinks that Scratch Galaxy games are all the same idea, you can post your more creative ideas here.
1. I know this has already been topic-ed, but I think it merits more discussion.
2. Sorry, I'm not advanced enough to create a decent game, so hopefully someone else can program it. Coolstuff, my fellow geek?
My idea is-You can go inside planets, too. What if you could move around INSIDE a sphere, not the outside? All you would have to do would be to invert Mario's sprite, then decrease the turn radius. Right? (Correct me if I'm wrong.)
big-bang wrote:
My idea is-You can go inside planets, too. What if you could move around INSIDE a sphere, not the outside? All you would have to do would be to invert Mario's sprite, then decrease the turn radius. Right? (Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Err sounds about right. Just alter the sprite and put a *-1 in there.