Whoops, I'm on the wrong Pasta thread.... sorry.
[offtopic]I know how to get rid of anti bronies.[/offtopic]
weegeeissparta wrote:
Whoops, I'm on the wrong Pasta thread.... sorry.
[offtopic]I know how to get rid of anti bronies.[/offtopic]
And I'm guessing Happy Appy is out of the question for someone to post on here.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
weegeeissparta wrote:
Whoops, I'm on the wrong Pasta thread.... sorry.
[offtopic]I know how to get rid of anti bronies.[/offtopic]How?
And I'm guessing Happy Appy is out of the question for someone to post on here.
If you censored it out some, you could post it.
But Happy Appy shouldn't really be considered too scary for Scratch because it was so badly written and they tried to add gore to make it scarier but it didn't exactly work.
A Few Years Ago A Man Was Walking Down A Road Because His Car Broke Down And He Saw A Car Coming Up Behind Him So He Stuck Out His Thumb To Hitch Hike And The Car Stopped Ahead Of Him. He Ran Up To The Passenger Side And Opened The Door. When He Opened The Door A Skeleton Popped Out
wolvesstar97 wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
weegeeissparta wrote:
Whoops, I'm on the wrong Pasta thread.... sorry.
[offtopic]I know how to get rid of anti bronies.[/offtopic]How?
And I'm guessing Happy Appy is out of the question for someone to post on here.If you censored it out some, you could post it.
But Happy Appy shouldn't really be considered too scary for Scratch because it was so badly written and they tried to add gore to make it scarier but it didn't exactly work.
Oh. Wasn't it really long, too?
Luigitailsdoll45 wrote:
A Few Years Ago A Man Was Walking Down A Road Because His Car Broke Down And He Saw A Car Coming Up Behind Him So He Stuck Out His Thumb To Hitch Hike And The Car Stopped Ahead Of Him. He Ran Up To The Passenger Side And Opened The Door. When He Opened The Door A Skeleton Popped Out
Best Pasta Ever
Does anybody know about the Gameboy Camera secret faces? There NEEDS to be a pasta about them, cuz they are CREEPY. They make Jeff not scary at all. And jeff isn't even scary.
Oh, and a pasta from the old thread i enjoyed:
Episode 66
Can anyone help me out here? I'm looking for a lost episode of the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm sure some of you remember; if you're from the northern part of Virginia and watched the show, you ay have seen this. Some backstory first, however.
I first recall seeing this episode when I was eight. It was episode 66 of season one (there was only one season) and it was only aired in northern Virginia, as the broadcasting station had ignored the notice not to play the final episode of the bundle due to its extreme adult content.
This was the station's choice, as it had purchased the syndication rights for the area, but concerned parents later sued them after several children came down with light neural hemorrhaging that caused severe nightmares and vomiting.
Viewing this episode killed no one and older viewers seemed immune to the effects of whatever caused the bleeding but, needless to say, a freeze was put on the production and was hushed up on the news. The show was replaced by the series simply named Sonic the Hedgehog.
I started my search for the episode after the nightmares from watching the episode returned after sixteen years. The nightmares were vivid. They contained visions of people in a long line, all of them clutching their faces in despair. The people in this line spread the full length of the street and all had seemlingly abandoned their cars to join the others waiting.
Everything had a dark red tone to it, like the sun was burning out at sunset but never fully went down. Those that weren't in the line littered the street, dead. I can't recall much of the dream beyond hints of looting (things like a line of dead riot police, smashed windows, a collapsed skyscraper in the distance, and upturned cars), but no one in the line paid attention to this. They simply sobbed as the line shifted forward.
The nightmare ended with one of the members of the line looking directly at me. He said nothing but shifted to an unnatural pose; his arms bent at 45-degree angles and his legs spread into a box over the ground, his mouth agape. As he did this, the rest of the people in the line did the same, striking a slightly different twisted pose. All were looking at me. I awoke with tears in my eyes.
My logical step to finding this episode lie with the station that originally aired it. There is nothing odd about the station; its old management has long since moved on...'committed suicide,' as the new manager pointed out to me.
Over a cup of coffee, the new manager and I discussed the station's past. I intentionally eased into the subject of the lost episode and, as it turned out, I was right to do so. When I brought it up, John (as he will now be known) literally spilled his coffee on his lap.
He told me this subject was a personal one to him; as it turns out, John was the original owner's son. He was kind enough to explain to me that the legal fees he was receiving in conjunction with the mail he was receiving from children and parents alike had pushed him too far and he hung himself in the family kitchen.
I was little taken back by this news, so I figured I was digging too deep and decided to drop this madness, maybe call it a day. Before I could exit John's office, he told me he would send me the mail.
His reasoning? He wanted me to know what happened; his curiosity was almost deep as mine, which wasn't surprising considering this epsidoe killed his father. I told him I'd take a look deeper into the subject and get back to him on anything I dug up.
The letters were as one would expect: angry mothers asking what kind of station would air such filth, legal fees ranging in the hundreds of thousands of dollars (enough to send any station broke in the 90s) and, of course, drawings from children depicting scenes of the episode. They were thinks like the blood and unusually dull colors that persisted throughout and horrible things, such as Robotnik vomiting blood and Tails crying over the corpse of a feathered headless bird.
One letter, however, caught my attention specifically. It was a letter from the studio that produced the series.
"Thank you for purchasing the rights to air the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega 1993-1994. All rights reserved. Enclosed is the series list, episode descriptions and episodes 1-66, the entirety of season one, and legal information regarding ratings and air times.”
In poor handwriting at the bottom of the page, a scrawled note was placed with the words, "Episode 66 is not to be aired! This is a database error and contains corrupted material." The initials JS followed.
I set out to find this episode, but to no avail. My second plan was to ask the people who sent the angry letters about the episode about their take on it. Those who had not moved away since then gave me the canned, "I don't know," or, "Not this again," responses, but I did chance upon one man around my age that remembers and taped the episode.
He invited me in and showed me his VHS copy of the episode. It was badly decayed from the years of neglect in his garage, though, and I could only make out a few bits: Tails screaming at sonic, with tears in his eyes. "How could you, Sonic? What have you done?!" The rest of the episode was static with the occasional scream and twisted figures (not animals or people, but figures staring at the viewer, with their circular mouths and open black eyes emitting a slight screech).
The tape sent chills up my spine and I asked if I could take the tape for research I was doing into the episode. He agreed quite readily and I promised to keep him updated about it. I took the tape back to John and we watched it for about fifteen minutes until John jumped back in his seat.
He told me he saw the figure with black eyes, but it spoke for a brief moment. He claimed he saw its lips move, mouthing a word he thought was 'eternity.' We watched that same one second flash for what must have been thirty times and each time we both attempted to freeze the frame on the figure, it disappeared when the video paused.
I called it a day there; we needed a better copy of the episode if we were to find out why it ended the entire series and caused me nightmares for much of my childhood.
Short of traveling to France and talking to the animation studio, I gave them a call. They bluntly told me there was no episode 66. 65 was the last episode of the season. Knowing this was a dead end, I called again and asked for the contact information of the voice actors.
Most of the information was out of date, it seemed. The information given for the voice actors of Robotnik, Scratch, Grounder, and Sonic all gave "number not in service" errors or people told me I had the wrong number. However, I did manage to contact one person:
Christopher Evan Welch was the voice of Tails. I managed to hook him for a fake interview about his roles in 90s television. As you would expect, Chris turned up wearing casual clothing and a smile on his face. He looked like the average guy in his late 20s.
As he sat down, I asked about some of his roles in bands and television, working my way to Sonic. When I did get there, however, he got really quiet and evasive. I asked him specifically about episode 66 and he froze. His pupils almost retracted to nothing and he looked at me, telling me the episodes only went up to 65.
I knew better, of course, and asked him about his script - where he was talking to Sonic about something he had done. The man grabbed his face - not in frustration, but to wipe his eyes (they were beginning to well up). He took a deep breath.
He told me the episode was written by Jeffrey Scott and the usual spiel that follows; Jeffrey was a nice man was was very patient with Chris as he read the script (being 11 at the time), but as the first season drew to a close, Jeffrey had become very angry with everyone...even 11 year-old Chris.
The voice actors for Robotnik and Sonic threatened to quit over his behavior, but the executive producer paid them both very large sums of cash in hand right there to read from the script Jeffrey had written. Apparently, Jeffrey had an order from high up - the top of Sega as far as Chris knew at the time - to produce this episode, and it was listed as a business priority.
Chris explained to me how as they read the script, he felt great sorrow and terror. It was as if they had lost a close friend or family member, even seen those people die before them. He told me of the scarring to his vocal chords from the screaming that was invoked by reading the script, even the extreme exhaustion of the other voice actors involved.
The session ended with the security pulling the voice actors from the studio before they died of exhaustion in the process of recording. His mother pulled him from the show the next day, fearing for his safety. I stopped the interview there and asked for a copy of the episode, but none were ever sent back to the voice actors.
That is as far as I've come in the search for episode 66. I've heard there may be a copy in the studio in France, but I have no way of getting there on my budget. I KNOW it exists and many more people out there must have a VHS copy, so that's why I ask the internet. Help me in my search. Please.
Last edited by Animeboy975 (2012-08-05 15:54:49)
Animeboy975 wrote:
Does anybody know about the Gameboy Camera secret faces? There NEEDS to be a pasta about them, cuz they are CREEPY. They make Jeff not scary at all. And jeff isn't even scary.
Oh, and a pasta from the old thread i enjoyed:
Episode 66
Can anyone help me out here? I'm looking for a lost episode of the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm sure some of you remember; if you're from the northern part of Virginia and watched the show, you ay have seen this. Some backstory first, however.
I first recall seeing this episode when I was eight. It was episode 66 of season one (there was only one season) and it was only aired in northern Virginia, as the broadcasting station had ignored the notice not to play the final episode of the bundle due to its extreme adult content.
This was the station's choice, as it had purchased the syndication rights for the area, but concerned parents later sued them after several children came down with light neural hemorrhaging that caused severe nightmares and vomiting.
Viewing this episode killed no one and older viewers seemed immune to the effects of whatever caused the bleeding but, needless to say, a freeze was put on the production and was hushed up on the news. The show was replaced by the series simply named Sonic the Hedgehog.
I started my search for the episode after the nightmares from watching the episode returned after sixteen years. The nightmares were vivid. They contained visions of people in a long line, all of them clutching their faces in despair. The people in this line spread the full length of the street and all had seemlingly abandoned their cars to join the others waiting.
Everything had a dark red tone to it, like the sun was burning out at sunset but never fully went down. Those that weren't in the line littered the street, dead. I can't recall much of the dream beyond hints of looting (things like a line of dead riot police, smashed windows, a collapsed skyscraper in the distance, and upturned cars), but no one in the line paid attention to this. They simply sobbed as the line shifted forward.
The nightmare ended with one of the members of the line looking directly at me. He said nothing but shifted to an unnatural pose; his arms bent at 45-degree angles and his legs spread into a box over the ground, his mouth agape. As he did this, the rest of the people in the line did the same, striking a slightly different twisted pose. All were looking at me. I awoke with tears in my eyes.
My logical step to finding this episode lie with the station that originally aired it. There is nothing odd about the station; its old management has long since moved on...'committed suicide,' as the new manager pointed out to me.
Over a cup of coffee, the new manager and I discussed the station's past. I intentionally eased into the subject of the lost episode and, as it turned out, I was right to do so. When I brought it up, John (as he will now be known) literally spilled his coffee on his lap.
He told me this subject was a personal one to him; as it turns out, John was the original owner's son. He was kind enough to explain to me that the legal fees he was receiving in conjunction with the mail he was receiving from children and parents alike had pushed him too far and he hung himself in the family kitchen.
I was little taken back by this news, so I figured I was digging too deep and decided to drop this madness, maybe call it a day. Before I could exit John's office, he told me he would send me the mail.
His reasoning? He wanted me to know what happened; his curiosity was almost deep as mine, which wasn't surprising considering this epsidoe killed his father. I told him I'd take a look deeper into the subject and get back to him on anything I dug up.
The letters were as one would expect: angry mothers asking what kind of station would air such filth, legal fees ranging in the hundreds of thousands of dollars (enough to send any station broke in the 90s) and, of course, drawings from children depicting scenes of the episode. They were thinks like the blood and unusually dull colors that persisted throughout and horrible things, such as Robotnik vomiting blood and Tails crying over the corpse of a feathered headless bird.
One letter, however, caught my attention specifically. It was a letter from the studio that produced the series.
"Thank you for purchasing the rights to air the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega 1993-1994. All rights reserved. Enclosed is the series list, episode descriptions and episodes 1-66, the entirety of season one, and legal information regarding ratings and air times.”
In poor handwriting at the bottom of the page, a scrawled note was placed with the words, "Episode 66 is not to be aired! This is a database error and contains corrupted material." The initials JS followed.
I set out to find this episode, but to no avail. My second plan was to ask the people who sent the angry letters about the episode about their take on it. Those who had not moved away since then gave me the canned, "I don't know," or, "Not this again," responses, but I did chance upon one man around my age that remembers and taped the episode.
He invited me in and showed me his VHS copy of the episode. It was badly decayed from the years of neglect in his garage, though, and I could only make out a few bits: Tails screaming at sonic, with tears in his eyes. "How could you, Sonic? What have you done?!" The rest of the episode was static with the occasional scream and twisted figures (not animals or people, but figures staring at the viewer, with their circular mouths and open black eyes emitting a slight screech).
The tape sent chills up my spine and I asked if I could take the tape for research I was doing into the episode. He agreed quite readily and I promised to keep him updated about it. I took the tape back to John and we watched it for about fifteen minutes until John jumped back in his seat.
He told me he saw the figure with black eyes, but it spoke for a brief moment. He claimed he saw its lips move, mouthing a word he thought was 'eternity.' We watched that same one second flash for what must have been thirty times and each time we both attempted to freeze the frame on the figure, it disappeared when the video paused.
I called it a day there; we needed a better copy of the episode if we were to find out why it ended the entire series and caused me nightmares for much of my childhood.
Short of traveling to France and talking to the animation studio, I gave them a call. They bluntly told me there was no episode 66. 65 was the last episode of the season. Knowing this was a dead end, I called again and asked for the contact information of the voice actors.
Most of the information was out of date, it seemed. The information given for the voice actors of Robotnik, Scratch, Grounder, and Sonic all gave "number not in service" errors or people told me I had the wrong number. However, I did manage to contact one person:
Christopher Evan Welch was the voice of Tails. I managed to hook him for a fake interview about his roles in 90s television. As you would expect, Chris turned up wearing casual clothing and a smile on his face. He looked like the average guy in his late 20s.
As he sat down, I asked about some of his roles in bands and television, working my way to Sonic. When I did get there, however, he got really quiet and evasive. I asked him specifically about episode 66 and he froze. His pupils almost retracted to nothing and he looked at me, telling me the episodes only went up to 65.
I knew better, of course, and asked him about his script - where he was talking to Sonic about something he had done. The man grabbed his face - not in frustration, but to wipe his eyes (they were beginning to well up). He took a deep breath.
He told me the episode was written by Jeffrey Scott and the usual spiel that follows; Jeffrey was a nice man was was very patient with Chris as he read the script (being 11 at the time), but as the first season drew to a close, Jeffrey had become very angry with everyone...even 11 year-old Chris.
The voice actors for Robotnik and Sonic threatened to quit over his behavior, but the executive producer paid them both very large sums of cash in hand right there to read from the script Jeffrey had written. Apparently, Jeffrey had an order from high up - the top of Sega as far as Chris knew at the time - to produce this episode, and it was listed as a business priority.
Chris explained to me how as they read the script, he felt great sorrow and terror. It was as if they had lost a close friend or family member, even seen those people die before them. He told me of the scarring to his vocal chords from the screaming that was invoked by reading the script, even the extreme exhaustion of the other voice actors involved.
The session ended with the security pulling the voice actors from the studio before they died of exhaustion in the process of recording. His mother pulled him from the show the next day, fearing for his safety. I stopped the interview there and asked for a copy of the episode, but none were ever sent back to the voice actors.
That is as far as I've come in the search for episode 66. I've heard there may be a copy in the studio in France, but I have no way of getting there on my budget. I KNOW it exists and many more people out there must have a VHS copy, so that's why I ask the internet. Help me in my search. Please.
Ironically taken from wiki.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Gameboy faces?
Sort of creepy, but they definitely aren't more than Jeff.
Last edited by maxskywalker (2012-08-05 16:55:05)
maxskywalker wrote:
Sort of creepy, but they definitely aren't more than Jeff.
There were some faces exclusive to the Japanese version. This must mean that someone at Nintendo stood up and said, "no, we don't want Japan creepy, we want America creepy!"
Pictures here for your pleasure:
agscratcher wrote:
maxskywalker wrote:
agscratcher wrote:
Sort of creepy, but they definitely aren't more than Jeff.
There were some faces exclusive to the Japanese version. This must mean that someone at Nintendo stood up and said, "no, we don't want Japan creepy, we want America creepy!"
Pictures here for your pleasure:
Meh. Still not that creepy.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
agscratcher wrote:
maxskywalker wrote:
Sort of creepy, but they definitely aren't more than Jeff.There were some faces exclusive to the Japanese version. This must mean that someone at Nintendo stood up and said, "no, we don't want Japan creepy, we want America creepy!"
Pictures here for your pleasure:
http://i48.tinypic.com/wa0fa0.jpgMeh. Still not that creepy.
Post Who are you running from. That is the scariest.
what's tapeworm boy and BEN and can someone post them?
ZedProduction wrote:
what's tapeworm boy and BEN and can someone post them?
Animeboy975 wrote:
Post Who are you running from
Is it scarier than SMILE?
Last edited by mythbusteranimator (2012-08-05 18:32:56)
A old creepypasta from the last thread:
Return to Botany Bay by NeilWest
I used to watch an innocent children's show called Botany Bay. It was charming, and had an interesting moral at the end. Usually it was something like, 'treat others as how you treat yourself' or, 'always forgive others'. It was nice, but soon ended when I was 5 in 2005. There was around five years were there was no mention of the show, until late 2010 when I was 10.
I was flicking through the channels when an advert on a kids channel caught my eye, it was for a remake called Return to Botany Bay. The advert had all the original voices, props and characters. But before I tell you more, I think I'd better give you some background information about the original Botany Bay:
It was a show where a group of wannabe pirates build a little ship in their home village, Botany Bay. It had an animation style, similar to Coraline. The leader was a fearless girl named Elisa Smith, who was a real girl inside. Then her buddies were accident-prone boys named Gary, who was tall and thin, Jacob, who was short and fat and then there was Mark, who was in the middle.
It had a magical element in it where at the title-sequence, it's the ship, called the Jack o' Nine Tales, is sailing towards the children, who are coming out of their home. They look happy to see the boat coming towards them, and when it arrives, it knocks the antagonist of the show, Bigbeard, into the sea. It was very memorable, and here is a list of the voices:
Elisa - Samantha Blu
Gary - Harry Blu
Jacob - Larry Suckle
Mark - Winston King
Bigbeard - Thomas Blu
Back to the point, I watched the advert and it said the program would air on Saturdays at 5.00pm. I told my mum and she seemed glad, but told me I was a little too old for films. Then I told her it was for nostalgia's sake, and she said ok in the end. So, there we were, my mum and dad with me to watch the progam. It then started with the following message:
When the wind has finally stopped, we thought the sun would still shine...
The last words of the parents of the Blu twins, may we pray for them. Forever.
It started, and it still had the same grainy sephia effect as was in the title sequence. I embraced for it to go to full colour, and it did so. But the Jack o' Nine Tales travelled to Botany Bay in a sad, lonesome way, as if it felt solemn and subtle. When it zoomed in on the gang's house, they didn't come out. I felt a little nervous about watching on, the gang wasn't there yet and the ship looked suicidal.
Then it came to the end of the title sequence where the ship would accidently bump Bigbeard into the sea as the children came onto the ship. The ship bumped a skeleton, which had a pirate hat similar to Bigbeard's. Then came the logo and episode name. It was Return to Botany Bay in a font that was like horror film's. Underneath was the episode number and name, in a classical font. It was; E01: How Ar Ye?
It seemed normal, and I liked how it was in a pirate accent too. Then the logo and text faded and the show started with the Jack o' Nine Tales waiting patiently for the children at the port. The skeleton stared into the ship's cold eyes and screamed, "I need peace and rest after these five years! I thought it would last for eternity, whoever awoke me..." the skeleton stared into the screen with red eyes, "could be with me."
I was frightened until the children came out, they were happy and playful, even Elisa. They chanted a little song in a tinny harmony, like ghosts. It was the message at the start, and they made it into a rhythm-less song.
When the wind had finally stopped,
The Blus...
We thought the sun would shine.
The Blus...
I thought about what this song meant and I paid no attention to the rest of the episode. That night I researched the Blu family on Wikipedia and apparently, all of them died on the same year, date and time. December 20th 2005 at 6.00am. When Botany Bay's last episode ended. So, how did they get the origanal voices? Either they had really good voice actors, or the Blus didn't die after all.
The next day, I watched the news. Return to Botany Bay was cancelled, after viewers who watched a certain part of the episode died. I must've daydreamed! But my parents hadn't. But they were still alive, then the news said that it only effected young viewers, aged 5 or under. So I hadn't daydreamed, and my parents were alive. Months later, this month in 2012, there was a glitch on the channel's episode timetable and Return to Botany Bay aired.
It had a different message at the start,
May they rest in peace with Bigbeard and Jack o' Nine Tales:
The voice actors of Botany Bay.
So it was offical, the Blus had died, along with the others. After Bigbeard's disturbing message and the song, piercing screams could be heard from the children. They covered their eyes and screamed as they rolled on the floor, and they had pale skin and pure black eyes. They had rags for clothes and small cuts could be seen if you looked carefully. They screamed until the moral was shown, "Yar better sail with the others now."
I was scared ****less, I didn't know what to do. Then the channel showed a message apologising for the glitch and ensuring it never happened again. Have any of you seen it yet? Because you better sail with the others now. With the Blus and Bigbeard. The following day, I was shopping at my local mall. I had a quick look in the DVD store, and I saw a season boxset for Botany Bay.
I wasn't bootleg, and it even included a preview of Return to Botany Bay. I was intrigued, so I brought it and came home. I thought I might tell you a list of the episodes:
Dream of Botany Bay
Night of Botany Bay
Jack of Botany Bay
Love of Botany Bay
Heroes of Botany Bay
Adventure of Botany Bay
Ocean of Botany Bay
Curse of Botany Bay
Return to Botany Bay (Preview)
How Ar Ye? (Return)
A short list, but this was the final season. Don't worry, Curse of Botany Bay isn't scary at all. None of them were. I watched them for hours, it was like being a kid again. My mum came in and asked me why I was staring at a blank screen. It was odd, it looked like I was watching a programme, not a blank screen. I asked her if she was crazy, and she said no. Something strange was going on.
The next day, I got my camcorder and let it record the TV screen as it played the episodes. After it had finished, I looked at the footage. It wasn't the show, it was a dark screen with some text on it, it read (from what I could make out):
Botany Bay, it has a curse.
Unlisted for years.
You may hear Jack's chuckle,
Or the death of jolly Bigbeard.
We are simply your fellow pals
We really mean no harm.
But if you deny,
Or even cry,
Then my Neptune have mercy on you...
It sounded like an old sea shanty, but what did the first verse mean. A static sound accompanied the episodes and I put the noise in a de-coder I downloaded on my laptop. Because it was a very long sound, it took a while but soon enough, It showed me what the static was. It was a picture of Elisa crying, with the pale skin and black eyes she had in the Return to Botany Bay episode. Then it occurred to me, if I found the static from the episodes and de-coded them, I could see the large image they made. After all, it looked like there was a message above Elisa.
I managed to find the other boxsets off eBay, and started decoding right away. They formed a picture, it was a picture of the whole cast and they said in a speech bubble, "We are waiting for you at Lowes Cemetary." I lived right near there, so it would be pretty easy to get there.
I arrived as soon as possilble, and started searching for where I needed to go. I came across the memorial for the Blu family, and there was a pirate ship behind their graves. It was Jack o' Nine Tales. I looked at it, it was the orignal ship, the one used for the TV show. I asked the manager of the site if I could keep it, and he said I could, but it had no value. It was just a normal model ship.
I put it in a cabinet at my living room, and then fell asleep that night. When I woke up and checked the ship, it was joined by the origanal dolls used in the show as well, Elisa, Bigbeard, Jacob, Gary and Mark. It was a little creepy how they got there, but I knew that I had to stop investigating this mystery about Botany Bay. I asked my mum to burn down everything that I had about Botany Bay. Even Jack o' Nine Tales.
So there, the origanal puppets used in the show, gone. The image I decoded, I deleted the file. The boxset with the final season of the episodes, burned down too. I'm glad it's all gone, I don't ever want to hear the mention of Botany Bay again.
A boy aged 10 was found dead in his house last night. It has been confirmed he committed suicide. His diary has been found, apparently saying he was investigating the banned kids show Botany Bay and it's remake Return to Botany Bay. He mother said that the show took over his life as he tried to find out what happened to it. At the end of his diary, he says he never wants to hear the mention of Botany Bay. The creator and cast of the show have long gone, so police continue the investigation on what happened to the show.
Me and my cousin cyle once went on a trip to the forest with my parents. It was supposed to be fun. We had rented out A small cabin in the middle of the woods. Little did we know that our experience in this woods would be the scariest experience of our lives. A thing you should know about my brother, he losses everything. We had to wait for him for 30 minuets before we could leave for the woods because we had to wait for him to find his shoes. You'll know what I mean when I start telling the story.
"There it is!" my mother said. We had gust pulled up to a large looking, log cabin. I groaned. I would have Ben twice as happy to gust, stay at home! Everyone piled out of the car, and went in. I asked my mom why she wanted to come hear anyway. But she gust said that we needed a good vacation, and some fresh air.But I knew the truth. My dad needed to do some stupid research on birds for his job, and my cousin lived in they area. They probably gust didn't want to pay for a baby sitter.
After we got out of the car, my dad told me and my cousin to help take the food and water into the house. After we got in, my mom asked my cousin where the half of ou're food was that he had carried in (we were only staying for one weekend). He gust shrugged, and grinned. After a harsh yelling at by my mom, she told me and my cousin to go up to ou're room. I was half way up the stair case when i realized what she had gust said. "You mean I'm not getting my own room?!?" I said. "Well, the house is pretty small, and it cost quite a lot of money...." she said.
I let out an exasperated sign and went up to 'you're' room. Inside, there was a table, a drawer, a mirror on the drawer, and a bunk bed. From my first and ONLY visit to creepy pasta wiki, I knew that you always check under the bed. The experience still haunts me today (I mean the trip to the wiki, not looking under the bed, gust for clarification). So, I looked under the bed. That's when the first strange thing happens. There was a peace of paper, and that was it. So, I grabbed it. It was A civil complaint sheet, and it read "I saw him in the woods today, wonder what he wants." and then in more bold and larger print all over the page, there was stuff like "WHAT DOES HE WANT?", "HELP HELP HELP", "DON'T GO OUTSIDE", "LEAVE ME ALONE", etc. At the top in ever larger print was the same words written over and over, SLENDER MAN SLENDER MAN SLENDER MAN SLENDER MAN SLENDERM and then there was blood splashed all over the top of the page. I looked it over a couple times, and then someone snatched it out of my hands. It was my stupid cousin. He looked it over, and then looked at me with a wild grin, and said OOH SCARY the laughing, he ran out of the room. I chased after him, and yelled for him to give it back, but he wouldn't listen. After about half an hour he got bored and told me that I had won. But when I asked him if he would give it back, he said he didn't know where it was.
The next day, my mom and dad made us come on a walk. I was on the lookout for this "Slender man" guy, and was pretty reluctant to leave the house, but sense I didn't have the picture to show them, she made us go anyway, thinking I was pranking them or some shiz. Nothing too eventful happened, except when we got back, my cousin had lost his jacket.
That evening, my parents went to to get some food from the supermarket, and said that they were going to be gone for an hour or two. I told them to hurry back. Four hours later, they were not back, and I was panicking. "Dude, there probably gust late or something." Said cyle, obviously not concerned. "No, I swear, he's out there, or ITS out there, I know it! It's evil, it's hungry..." I paused, and then thought of the jacket that cyle lost. I groaned. "And now he knows our sent!" "Whatever, dude, you're gust overeat-" and then he screamed. I looked over, and there was A tall man, easily 10 feet. He was waring a suit, and had several black testicles coming out of his back. But the most stunning feature was that he had no face. It was completely blank, white, like the rest of his body except for his black suit and dress pants. I ran half-way up the stairs when I noticed my cousin was not running. He was transfixed, in shock, looking strait at the thing (slender man for sure, i thought). I watched, helplessly, as the thing began to entangle my cousin with one arm, witch was stretching, like a vine. It slowly began to open it's hidden mouth, parting the skin on it's face, reveling A hole in it's face big enough to fit in a tree. It lowered it in, and pulled out something. It dropped my cousin, and then the thing, witch i relies is a blue jacket, on the ground. "You forgot you're jacket, idiot." it said, in a deep broken accent, and waked out of the room.
My cousin never forgot anything, ever again, they end.
Animeboy975 wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
agscratcher wrote:
There were some faces exclusive to the Japanese version. This must mean that someone at Nintendo stood up and said, "no, we don't want Japan creepy, we want America creepy!"
Pictures here for your pleasure:
http://i48.tinypic.com/wa0fa0.jpgMeh. Still not that creepy.
Post Who are you running from. That is the scariest.
I would explain why I won't post that, but I'd get banned for saying why. So no.
ZedProduction wrote:
what's tapeworm boy and BEN and can someone post them?
IDk about tapeworm boy, but BEN is longer than Scratch will allow.
ZedProduction wrote:
1. Funny
2. Belongs in usermade, I think.
3. Do you mean several black TENTACLES? Cause that is distrbing...
maxskywalker wrote:
ZedProduction wrote:
what's tapeworm boy and BEN and can someone post them?
IDk about tapeworm boy, but BEN is longer than Scratch will allow.
Tapeworm boy is the spawn of a comment made by me to Weegeeissparta, not a pasta.
BEN won't load on my page.
On the other hand, I did get to see Jeff the Killer's pic.
Not as funny as SMILE, though.
samid11 wrote:
maxskywalker wrote:
ZedProduction wrote:
what's tapeworm boy and BEN and can someone post them?
IDk about tapeworm boy, but BEN is longer than Scratch will allow.
Tapeworm boy is the spawn of a comment made by me to Weegeeissparta, not a pasta.
Tapeworm boy is a pasta. >:U
weegeeissparta wrote:
samid11 wrote:
maxskywalker wrote:
IDk about tapeworm boy, but BEN is longer than Scratch will allow.Tapeworm boy is the spawn of a comment made by me to Weegeeissparta, not a pasta.
Tapeworm boy is a pasta. >:U
link please