I'm making a huge tutorial on Scratch, explaining every individual block, what it does, how it's useful, some related blocks, and for most an example. I have the whole tutorial engine done, what I really need now is ideas for examples for individual blocks and descriptions of each block...I'm definitely doing all the control, operators, and variables, but I would like some help with the other categories.
If you want to help:
Type or paste your description here and, so that I can give proper credit, include your username as well. I know I could just look at who posted it but it's easier to simply have you guys include it. Descriptions have a max of 600 characters.
Upload it to Scratch and post a link. I'll let you know when I've downloaded and saved it. Keep the examples small...very small. Like a max of 15 blocks. This is for data purposes and convenience.
Here is an example description that I wrote for the green flag block:
This is probably the most used block in
Scratch. This is an initiator, or a block
that is always at the top of a script and
causes the rest of the script to run.
This block is initiated when the green flag
in the upper right corner is clicked.
The reason this block is useful is because
it allows you to sync the starting of a lot of
scripts. Also, it is the only type of initiator
that is started automatically when online.
There is no example for this block, but you
can find one in almost any project you
Awesome! I've been meaning to do this for a while. It took forever so I gave up. I'll help out, you'll just have to remind me in a comment or something cause I'm about to sleep
Last edited by chanmanpartyman (2012-05-30 23:13:54)
<touching [stuff v]?>This is a boolean block. In case you haven't read about other boolean blocks, a boolean reports either true or false. You can tell it is a boolean if it has a triangle shape on the edge.
Last edited by chanmanpartyman (2012-06-05 18:41:24)
chanmanpartyman wrote:
<touching [stuff v]?>This is a boolean block. In case you haven't read about other boolean blocks, a boolean reports either true or false. You can tell it is a boolean if it has a triangle shape on the edge.
This block reports if the sprite it is being used in is touching the selected object. The objects are mouse-pointer, edge, and every single sprite.
What is in bold is used for all booleans, if that is okay.
Also, cool new sig!![]()
Awesome . Sounds like a great suggestion as well. I might also add that touching doesn't work when a sprite is hidden and sometimes doesn't work when a sprite is fully ghost, but other than that, awesome!
(distance to [sprite1 v])This block reports the distace to another sprite, in terms of the same units used be the move () steps block. It is useful for following a sprite at a distance, or to do different things at different distances.
Last edited by berberberber (2012-06-11 22:36:55)
berberberber wrote:
(distance to [sprite1 v])This block reports the distace to another sprite, in terms of the same units used be the move () steps block. It is useful for following a sprite at a distance, or to do different things at different distances.
Thanks! I'll keep it in consideration
(answer)This block is used in cunjunction with the ask block. It reports the input in the ask block. If the ask block is used more than once, the answer block will report the most recent value. It is useful in a chat program, or to stimulate a conversation.
when clicked
when the is clicked run the blocks below
<loud?>This boolean reports if it's loud.
when [space v] key pressed forever if <loud?> say [It's loud!] for (5) secs end stop all
Last edited by bluecat600 (2012-06-16 03:22:20)
berberberber wrote:
(distance to [sprite1 v])This block reports the distace to another sprite, in terms of the same units used be the move () steps block. It is useful for following a sprite at a distance, or to do different things at different distances. It is very useful in games with projectile firing enemies, as you can tell them not to fire until a certain range is achieved.
Added a bit, it's something people might want to know.
change variable [stuff] by [10]Variables are values that can be named by a user, and their values changed. A variable may be used in place of a number or word in a block, and their value controlled by other blocks. This block changes the value of variable 'stuff' by 10 when triggered in a script.
Last edited by Scratcher456 (2012-06-17 10:55:08)
I made a project with a bunch of these a while back. If I haven't dug it up and posted here by Thursday, come bother me on one of my projects .
EDIT for above scratcher:
change [variable v] by (10)
Last edited by LiquidMetal (2012-09-27 22:26:30)
move [10] stepsblocks allows a sprite to move 10 steps in the direction it is facing. It is different from both the "Change x by []" and "Change y by []" because it will not move ten steps in just one direction, unless the abs of the degree is a multiple of 90. It will use it's direction to find a ratio of "x change" and "y change" for it to move by. It is used in nearly all types of projects, such as animations, games, or simulations.
The answer block-
This blocks stores the answer to a question the user asked earlier
You really shouldn't make others do the hard work for you.
I want to help! Well, I can't help with most of the descriptions of the sensing, Varible and Operator blocks, as I don't understand them much myself, but I would like to help with Examples of some of the blocks, as I didn't see any when I was checking the project out. I love your project, by the way!
think [Hmm...] for (2) secsthis block is usually used for animations, when a character is thinking something. It appears on the presentation screen as a cloud-like speech bubble.
bluecat600 wrote:
<loud?>This boolean reports if it's loud.
Example:when [space v] key pressed forever if <loud?> say [It's loud!] for (5) secs end stop all
Loud means above 30 loudness.
Nathanator1416J wrote:
You really shouldn't make others do the hard work for you.
He/she's not MAKING them do it, its entirely voluntary.
Last edited by Molybdenum (2012-08-24 18:30:38)
Well, I can't do the blocks thing, but I have a description for one anyways! (Which may not be too good. Leaning towards REALLY bad...) The block I am doing is the "Change ______ effect by __" block. I am gonna call it the change something block. Well, not something but you get it.
The change _____ effect block has seven things to chose from: Color, Whirl, Fisheye, Pixelate, Mosiac, Brightness, and Ghost. The color one changes the sprites color by whatever number you put there, so if you put 1, it will change the shade by 1.
So, I just forgot everything else I was going to say, so thats all. Sorry!
tbfg32 wrote:
Well, I can't do the blocks thing, but I have a description for one anyways! (Which may not be too good. Leaning towards REALLY bad...) The block I am doing is the "Change ______ effect by __" block. I am gonna call it the change something block. Well, not something but you get it.
The change _____ effect block has seven things to chose from: Color, Whirl, Fisheye, Pixelate, Mosiac, Brightness, and Ghost. The color one changes the sprites color by whatever number you put there, so if you put 1, it will change the shade by 1.
So, I just forgot everything else I was going to say, so thats all. Sorry!
instead of shade, I think hue would actually be a better word
Last edited by tpaley (2012-09-04 21:57:42)