when I receive [Anyone's bothered? v] go to [and please create a video, because I am stuck how to create a Mod!!! v] if <(video is created) = [true]> think [THANK YOU!] end
Last edited by mattross13 (2012-05-30 16:47:52)
Hmm...I'm confused by what question you're asking. Is it that you need help learning how to create a Scratch software modification?
stevetheipad wrote:
Hmm...I'm confused by what question you're asking. Is it that you need help learning how to create a Scratch software modification?
That's what I interpreted it as.
Yes, Sorry for the fact that I forgot to put Scratch part in. I am having a problem that when I drag in the Scratch open source file into Squeak, which I have already read the documents on, the Software fails and gives me an unreasonable amount of errors!!!!!, do you know why this is happening, does it have to do with the fact I am using OSX???? or is it the wrong file???