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  •  » Scratch 2.0 Multiplayer and Hi-Scores Ideas -Cloud Variables-

#1 2012-05-13 13:25:44

Registered: 2011-11-05
Posts: 27

Scratch 2.0 Multiplayer and Hi-Scores Ideas -Cloud Variables-

So you may have possibly but not exactly seen some of my posts in the Scratch 2.0 prototype announcement thread but if not I basically explained my ideas for tracking hi-scores and tracking multiple players for multiplayer games!

Above is one of my ideas for a game where you have to work with other players to fill up a glass of water.

Not all of the script that would be needed for this game is there (of course, since S2 isn't our yet) but the general idea is still easy to see.

How this game would work is that you would be asked to join a team (or put automatically put on a team depending on how many players there are) and each team would have to work together to fill up the cup.

To fill the cup the other team has to click a button, which fills the cup by 1, and then they would have to wait until the other team clicked the button before they could click it again.

So essentially it would go (in this case) ABABABABABABABABAB until the cup was filled.
Here is a concept project I made just to kind of show you what I want to happen.


Well anyways that's that.

I also have ideas for a hi-scores list or leader-board that people can use for those kinds of games. But I think when S2 first comes out we might experience a lot of lag from such scripts but it's worth a try.

So the script would basically detect whether your score was higher than anyone elses and if so it would insert your score above theirs. If not it will put you at the bottom.

You could also have the game ask their initials or name/username/nickname and combine to two using join blocks.

So if anyone else has some other ideas (I know I have heard of one where you make cloud variables that allow players to control a character and have someone else see it in real-time) please post them below!

and Scratch On!

Last edited by Friezeshrew (2012-05-13 13:26:44) It's not an act, it's an art. -Joshua Bowers



#2 2012-05-18 20:33:23

Registered: 2011-11-05
Posts: 27

Re: Scratch 2.0 Multiplayer and Hi-Scores Ideas -Cloud Variables-

I just thought of another idea i'd like to share:
Player Counter.

The player counter (or viewer counter if you want) would show how many players have the project running (green flag = on).

It would work by adding 1 and taking away one ever so often.
It would add one only when someone is broadcasting or their variable is set to a certain value and it would take away if they don't keep broadcasting.

But that might not work in the end so I thought of a much simpler but more "I put my trust into you" way of doing this:

You would have a button that broadcasts that you are there and a button that broadcasts that you are not. And then ever 200 seconds it does a sweep to make sure the view count is correct. (You can view the example project here )

So anyways thanks for checking this out and I can't wait to see what you guys make in Scratch 2.0!

Last edited by Friezeshrew (2012-05-18 20:34:38) It's not an act, it's an art. -Joshua Bowers



#3 2012-05-29 05:26:28

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-05-23
Posts: 1

Re: Scratch 2.0 Multiplayer and Hi-Scores Ideas -Cloud Variables-

when gf is clicked
  [move (1) step]



#4 2012-05-29 12:53:21

Registered: 2010-05-09
Posts: 100+

Re: Scratch 2.0 Multiplayer and Hi-Scores Ideas -Cloud Variables-

To improve your game instead of asking make a cloud variable, Player Change ask team A or B to if Player (cloud) = A  set Player (cloud) to B else set player (cloud) to A this will automatically make it so that if one player is on the other automatically goes to the other side

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