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#1 2008-09-08 22:21:10

Registered: 2007-08-09
Posts: 1000+

the three little kings and the big bad bunny army

this actually a school assignment, but I wrote this, BTW I copied and pasted it!
have fun LOLing!  tongue 

                       The Three little Kings and the big bad Bunny Army

    Once upon a time there was a castle and three kings lived in it. These kings were undoubtedly short. They ruled in a castle named “The castle of no one . Obviously the castle only contained 3 inhabitants and the rulers were not too pleased about ruling nothing. The three kings’ names were George, Billy, and Whopplescutterlys (whop-L-scut-er-lees).
    Now are story begins on a boring spring day, or so it used to be boring. “Oy, I say Whopple if we don’t have anything to today then how abouts we actually leave this ole bloody palace of boredom and head for someplace!  said Billy. “Well if you think you’ve got any good ideas of where to head to I’d like to hear them!  said Whopplescutterlys. “Oh, I’ll tell you my of my ideas!  “Mmm-hmmm?  “Errr… yes loads… just can’t remember them all right now lad  said Billy. “Oy, you got any ideas George?  asked Billy…………… “Uh… George? … “George?  Then George said, “I say was that ole army of rabbits there before.  “errr whatcha say? Oh my god! Slap me silly! Where’d those lads come from? 
    A fair distance away from the castle was an army of bunnies in a formation rows and columns. “I say sah the ole sarge was right about heading this way!  said one rabbit. “You can say that again chap, lookit the size of that monster!  said another rabbit. At the front of the army was the Sergeant whom was about to speak. “Ahem! I say is there anybody up on the walls at all?  said the Sergeant. “You are speaking before the high king Whopplescutterlys, bow before my greatness , said Whopplescutterlys. “High king of what sah? All I bally well see is you upon these walls!  said the sergeant. “Choose your words wisely when speaking before the king! Now state your purpose here  said Whopplescutterlys. “Ah, glad you asked chap, I’ve come to take your castle, seeing that you have no people.  Said the Sergeant. “WHAT!? You can’t just come to take my beloved castle! This calls for war!  yelled Whopplescutterlys. “I say sah bally well bad choice on your part, I don’t think it will end well for you  said the sergeant.
    The next day Whopplescutterlys awoke to hear the Sergeant knocking on the main gate. “Have you come to surrender?  asked Whopplescutterlys. “I say not even close sah, I’ve come to ask you if you want surrender  said the Sergeant. “Not by the jewels on my purdy, purdy crown!  replied Whopplescutterlys. “Very well sah have it your way!  said the Sergeant. Whopplescutterlys left to get some more sleep for he was a stressed king of nothing. “All right you misbegotten lumps! Stir yer stumps and ram the bally gates!  yelled the Sergeant. At the sound of the Sergeants order ten rabbits carrying a battering ram rammed the main gates. Boom! Boom! BOOM! Crash! The main gates collapsed and the rabbits found themselves with another predicament. Whopplescutterlys and the other kings were locked away in a mansion. “I say these chaps aren’t making it any easier  said the Sergeant.
    Inside the castle the kings were quite awake after hearing the bunny army’s noisy entrance. “I say lad what did you tell them? Tea and crumpets at nine AM sharp?  asked Billy. “I would never!  replied Whopplescutterlys. “Hey Whopple your best friends are knocking on our door!  said George. Whopplescutterlys headed down to the front door of his mansion. “I say ole chap Whoppyscooterthree are you in there? I’ve got a castle to take!  said the Sergeant. “I’m here what is it now? Have you come to surrender?  asked Whopplescutterlys. “I say not even close sah, I’ve come to ask you if you want surrender  said the Sergeant. “Not by the jewels on my purdy, purdy crown!  replied Whopplescutterlys. “Very well sah have it your way!  said the Sergeant. Whopplescutterlys left to get some more sleep for he was a stressed king of nothing. “Alright you awful uglies! Blow the door open with that jolly ole cannon!   Yelled the Sergeant. KABOOM! The army of rabbits entered the mansion armed and ready to meet the kings. Unfortunately they found themselves facing the kings with a titanium door in their way. “This Whopplerscusher is about to learn things the hard way!  said the annoyed Sergeant.
    Inside the room the kings were in a sort of shock from hearing the cannon go off. “I say you certainly told them of the tea N’ crumpets at 9 AM sharp!  stated Billy. “I say ole lad take it easy I’ll go talk with these fellers and put an end to this!  replied Whopplescutterlys. So Whopplescutterlys headed to the door. “This is it you annoying king! One last chance!  yelled the Sergeant. “Have you come to surrender?  asked Whopplescutterlys. “I say not even close sah, I’ve come to ask you if you want surrender  said the Sergeant. “Not by the jewels on my purdy, purdy crown!  replied Whopplescutterlys. “Very well sah have it your way!  said the Sergeant. The king, knowing this was it, retreated to his bed in fright. “Alright chaps and chapesses let’r rip!  yelled the Sergeant. Beforehand had laid explosives of every sort by the door and had prepared guns with diamond tipped bullets. WHA-FOOM! BANG-BANG-BANG! BOOM!  KA-BOOM! BOOM! WHOOM!  “I say Sarge jolly ole chap, can we do that again? That was loads of fun!  asked one rabbit. “Not while the moon and the sun still rise and fall!  replied the Sergeant. Once the guns and explosives had ceased the door and all of its surrounding were pretty much disintegrated. “ I say, I say ole lad that’s quite the way to wake even a stone!  said Whopplescutterlys. “Now I tell what I say, I say ole chap! This castle and mine!  yelled the Sergeant. “Hey there lad, I say you look quite famished. Tea and crumpets anyone?  said George. “Well now chap, jolly good show! I say truce as long you’re supplying those for vittles in this bally castle!  said the Sergeant. “Alright that’s easy enough, truce it is then  said Whopplescutterlys.
    And thus the war between man and bunny ended over a castle that contained no inhabitants until the Sergeant and his army showed up.

The End
click the image for my music



#2 2008-09-08 22:24:00

Registered: 2008-01-24
Posts: 1000+

Re: the three little kings and the big bad bunny army

I notice many grammatical errors, but since we are sharing stories, lemme try finding my first English assignment which is also the story to my Flash game Rain (cut and pasted):

It was a cold, dark night in the woods.  I could hear howling wolves and owls in the distance. The crisp air brushed against my face as I walked. I glanced at my watch – 1:30 AM. I was going to head home soon if he didn’t arrive before my parents found out. 10 minutes I decided. I waited…
    “Where am I?  I said to myself. The sun was bright in the sky, but I felt cold. I touched my forehead, only to get a painful sting. I looked at my fingers. Blood. My fingers were covered in blood. I looked at my watch again- 12:47 PM. What happened? Was it the man? Was it a coyote? I didn’t know. I got to my knees and looked up. I wasn’t outside? A bright bulb lit the room. I got up.
    I scanned my surroundings. Grey walls on each side, probably metal, sloping and meeting at the top. The ground wasn’t any different- a big metal sheet.  I stopped to think, looking for a way out. I heard an echo, a slamming door. Oh no I thought.
    A man approached me. “You are part of an experiment. Stay calm,  he said in a low voice. A green light shone in my face, blinding me. Than the floor shook.
    “Stay calm,  the man said in a trembly voice. Still blinded by the light, I sat down. Footsteps echoed off the walls, and an explosion boomed throughout the building.
    “Run!  a woman screamed.
    The light faded, and something plopped down in front of me, burning a hole in the ground. I got up, took a breath, and ran, dodging the acidic rain.

Got an A my first time which is cool because like 75% had to do redos  big_smile
That's my PSN ID. I know tons of COD4 glitches. Add me as your friend. Oh, and get a headset



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