I decided to build on HSP and create the HPsPl (Hue, Percieved Saturation, Percieved lightness) colour model.
The formulas for the two new values (RGB -> HPsPl) is:
Pl = sqrt((0.299 (R^2)) + (0.587 (G^2)) + (0.114 (B^2)))
Ps = max(0.299 (R*3), 0.587 (G*3), 0.114 (B*3)) - min(0.299 (R*3), 0.587 (G*3), 0.114 (B*3))
Note: This was once called the HAsPl colour model.
Last edited by rdococ (2012-06-08 05:48:21)
I figured out a formula for As while playing around with the maths involved.
You could create your own, too... I plan on making the first "colour model creator".
Bumping up my post. (I like talking about colours!)
Colors are very fun! I really do like HSB and such. They make it really easy to adjust the brightness/intensity of a color (adjust the respective channels) instead of fiddling with two channels at the same time.