Please Unfriend [removed by mod] Off Of My Friends List Because I Hate Cp And Then A Cp Fan Friended Me For No Reason!!! Please Scratch Please Unfriend Him Off Of My List!
Note: When discussing issues with other users, please don't mention them by name.
Last edited by Harakou (2012-05-05 12:17:50)
AllSparkCube wrote:
Please Unfriend [removed by mod] Off Of My Friends List Because I Hate Cp And Then A Cp Fan Friended Me For No Reason!!! Please Scratch Please Unfriend Him Off Of My List!
He's not on your list if you didn't friend back. You're just on his.
People are free to friend whoever they want, whenever they want.
Also, please refrain from using the user's name.
Thanks, and Scratch On!
Last edited by Harakou (2012-05-05 12:19:31)
The all-caps filter strikes again!
You can't force people not to friend you, it's their choice.