I am planning on making a name generator but i have no clue how to...Somebody please help me!!
Do you mean that you want something to choose a random name? If you wanted to do that, you would have to make a List. Then, you would have to add a bunch of random names to it, which would not be very fun, like this:
Add [Bob] to [names v] Add [Bill] to [names v] Add [Sally] to [names v] //And repeatAnd you would have to keep repeating that until you thought that you had enough names. After that, if you wanted to generate a name, you would do this:
Set [generated name v] to ( item (any v) of (names v))After that, you would have generated a random name, but having to enter a ton of names would take a long time.
If you wanted a random amount of letters in a random order you could use this:
when gf clicked set (lettercount) to (pick random 3 to 10) repeat (lettercount) add ((any v) of [alphabet v]) to [name v] end say (name)
zammer990 wrote:
If you wanted a random amount of letters in a random order you could use this:when gf clicked set (lettercount) to (pick random 3 to 10) repeat (lettercount) add ((any v) of [alphabet v]) to [name v] end say (name)
If you did that, couldn't you end up with strange names like this?:
They wouldn't even be names
Last edited by AgentRoop (2012-04-28 11:10:03)
If you mean what I think you do, I'd start by making two or more lists and filling them with names, or name parts. You just do that manually, ahead of time.
For example:
FirstName list
"Jack "
"Roy "
"Sam "
(Notice how I put spaces after these.)
LastName list
Then whenever you need a name, your script would look something like this:
set Name to (Item (Any v) of [FirstName v]) set Name to (Join (Name) (Item (Any v) of [LastName v])) say (Name)And it would say something like "Roy Smith".
Last edited by ManaUser (2012-04-28 11:24:25)
ManaUser wrote:
If you mean what I think you do, I'd start by making two or more lists and filling them with names, or name parts. You just do that manually, ahead of time.
For example:
FirstName list
"Bob "
"Roy "
"Sam "
(Notice how I put spaces after these.
LastName list
Then whenever you need a name, your script would look something like this:set [Name v] to (Item (Any v) of [FirstName v]) set [Name v] to (Join (Name) (Item (Any v) of [LastName v])) say (Name)And it would say something like "Roy Smith".
I fixed it a little bit. This looks like the best shot at generating names.
Then, if you want it to make up completely new names, but still have them be pronounceable and look like names, you'll have to make them out of parts. For example:
FirstNamePart1 list
(Notice how I capitalize only the first part.)
FirstNamePart2 list
"son "
"ington "
"field "
(Notice how I only put spaces after the last part.)
So then you'd get names like "Jonfield" and "Bennington", which are a bit weird, but they do sound like names.
Oh yeah, and of course you'll need extra lists if you want to be generate female-sounding first names too.
Last edited by ManaUser (2012-04-28 11:27:32)
ManaUser wrote:
Then, if you want it to make up completely new names, but still have them be pronounceable and look like names, you'll have to make them out of parts. For example:
FirstNamePart1 list
(Notice how I capitalize only the first part.)
FirstNamePart2 list
"son "
"ington "
"field "
(Notice how I only put spaces after the last part.)
So then you'd get names like "Jonfield" and "Bennington", which are a bit weird, but they do sound like names.
That's a cool idea! That way, the name-making will be more efficent!
Last edited by AgentRoop (2012-04-28 11:26:04)