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If you could have any robot you wanted to help you out at home, what would it be?
What are some of the tasks around the house or around your school that you do not like to do?
(We're designing robots at school, and I need to survey some people to find out existing problems)
Last edited by ProgramCAT (2012-04-25 14:54:41)
Could it wash the dishes? Take out the garbage?
Do ALL of my homework to an Excellent grade. Here we run by NCEA,
D=Not Achieved (Fail)
C=Achieved (Just pass)
B=Merit (Average pass)
A=Excellence (Excellent pass?)
Basically, it's AME where you'd prefer to get an E or M rather than and A! There's way too much to explain, but overall, most of the Teachers and Parents agree that it's a much better system than CBA.
I'd like to have one disguised as a clown that would wait in the closet and jump out when someone besides me walked by
Oh the giggles :')
Sweetie Bot.
veggieman001 wrote:
Sweetie Bot.
What's that?
slinger wrote:
One that washes the dishes for me
edit: No wait, one that zaps my brother at random moments
Get both.
Put on the coffee in the morning, before gently waking you up? lol
mop the floor
Do the laundry, clean the dishes, water the plants, sweep the floor.
cheer you up
I should have stayed in bed today
Amuse me.
Paddle2See wrote:
Pull dandelions out of the lawn...
Where do you live? I'll send my dogs right over. They love to eat them.
My yard has never looked so not-yellow.
My dad would say: "To get me a beer out of the fridge"
My mom would say: "To do (insert household chore list here)
I would say: "Make it beat all my video games"
Last edited by G0D_M0D3 (2012-04-27 13:42:03)
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Pages: 1