Check the variables tab. It has new variable systems to make it easy to manage. It also has lists, which are like multiple variables pack into one!
In addition to new variable arrangements and the Lists that SeanCanoodle mentioned above, you have:
-Lots of new languages so Scratch can be used by even more people
-Lots of new fonts available in the Paint Editor
-You now have Show and Hide variable blocks
-Comment stickies (right-click in the Script area) to help document your code
-Control blocks that automatically surround other blocks to make stack contruction easier
Paddle2See wrote:
-Comment stickies (right-click in the Script area) to help document your code
Yeah, but how do you use comment stickies on a mac? You can't right click on it..
I'm pretty sure macs use the apply key + click to initiate the drop down menu. Most macs have mice with more than one button now anyways.