I need help with scripts for Archery 6. As you can see, it glitches a lot, for example the arrow goes off when you try to change the target power. Te target won't hide when being touched, and manyother problams have occured. Can anyone help?
It looks like you need a waiting script on the arrow when you "play". Then it won't fire straight away. You might also need it when the arrow touches the target before the arrow goes back it's original spot. Then the target will have a chance to sense that it is touching the arrow, then it can disappear.
I might have been more helpful if I had more time...
Also, so people can find your project easily, replace the text "Archery 6" with this
[url=http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/mythbusteranimator/2468073]Archery 6[/url]
that'll look like this: Archery 6
mythbusteranimator wrote:
You can also edit your posts (edit the first - button in the bottom right of the post)
Hi im having problems with platforms, im just creating a simple looking game, but i can't manage to keep the sprite on top of the floor when pressing the jumping key.
when [space] key pressed
if [not(color [] is touching[])]
switch to costume [jumping 3]
change y by [-5]
Rocket-Moon wrote:
Hi im having problems with platforms, im just creating a simple looking game, but i can't manage to keep the sprite on top of the floor when pressing the jumping key.
when [space] key pressed
if [not(color [] is touching[])]
switch to costume [jumping 3]
change y by [-5]
Stop posting the same post in loads of threads, Make a new one.
Rocket-Moon wrote:
Hi im having problems with platforms, im just creating a simple looking game, but i can't manage to keep the sprite on top of the floor when pressing the jumping key.
whenspacekey pressedforeverifnot(color [] is touching[])switch to costumejumping 3change y by-5
Scratchblocks fixed