I've got a project that needs to be created and part of it requires the counting of a variable. At the minute every time press a key, this sets the variable to true. After it i have a change variable by 1, however it jumps straight from 0 to 2 and will stay at 2 forever?
Any help will be greatly appreciated..
i am new to scratch but if you upload the project i might be able to help.
I think you want this
when gf clicked forever if <key [any v] pressed?> set [variable v] to [1] wait until <not<key [any v] pressed?>> end
TorbyFork234 wrote:
I think you want this
when gf clicked forever if <key [any v] pressed?> set [variable v] to [1] wait until <not<key [any v] pressed?>> end
Uhh... there is no
<key [any v] pressed?>in Scratch.
Last edited by SOScratch (2012-04-13 23:41:37)
look under sensing.
There should be a block that sais... key (right arrow) pressed?
key (left arrow) pressed?
key (up arrow) pressed?
and the list goes on