Want to have a signature? If so just tell me the text you want on your signature, the colour of the background and text, and the size of the image you want for your signature. I use the Windows 7 Paint Program to make the signatures and Dropbox to put the finished signatures in the cloud. When your signature is finished, I'll reply to you with a link to the image file that you can put on your signature. Anyone ready to have ideas for a new signature that I can make for you?
Okay since nobodys posting..
I want a blue background.
Text yellow..
let it say, fetchydog567.
fetchydog567 wrote:
Okay since nobodys posting..
I want a blue background.
Text yellow..
let it say, fetchydog567.
Alright! Here you go: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/69693487/fetchydog567sig.jpg
Can I have a sig with an explosiony backround with the lower case letters of my user name (color doesn't matter--as long as it stands out and is not too bright). The "mythbuster" and "animator" can be separated.
If you can do it, thanks!