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Hey rockysol/nsolgoat here to talk about fixing projects
jus go to and this will explain everything. you wont regret anything!
Will you please look at some of my projects and fix them? I need specific help on a game called "Red" (please give a new name, also) that is 1s1s, and I want to be finished 1s1s. It will not hit boundaries, start on level 1 (out of 3), and won't end among other glitches. Another, Archery 3, isn't as glitchy, but it going into a popular 1s1s gallery that won't accept it until some bugs are fixed. The greatest bug is direction (the arrow won't do a natural rotate) and speed--the arrow goes to fast. I hope this is not too much, and I would really appreciate it if fixed at least one or two bugs for me. Thank!
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Pages: 1