If you want it to be always draggable, click the lock-pad thing next to the sprite name. If you want it sometimes, draggable, just ask and I'll give you the scripts.
I have another way:
when gf clicked set [draggable? v] to [false] forever if <(mouse down?) and (touching [mouse-pointer v] ? )> if <(draggable?) = [false]> set [draggable? v] to [true] repeat until <not (mouse down?)> go to [mouse-pointer v] end set [draggable? v] to [false] endFeel free to ask more questions.
jontmy00 wrote:
I have another way:
when gf clicked set [draggable? v] to [false] forever if <(mouse down?) and (touching [mouse-pointer v] ? )> if <(draggable?) = [false]> set [draggable? v] to [true] repeat until <not (mouse down?)> go to [mouse-pointer v] end set [draggable? v] to [false] endFeel free to ask more questions.
Add "Relative X" and y to make it slightly better.