I’ve posted my first Alice program to the Alice web site http://www.alice.org/community/showthre … 0#post6500.
I have again taken inspiration from one of J. H. MacDonald’s contributions to the 1968 booklet Digicomp*1 Romps. This time I chose make his Skater’s Puzzle entry into an Alice program. The object is to end up with the right configuration of skaters by placing them on and moving them between a set of circles.
You’d have to have the Alice program http://www.alice.org/index.php?page=dow … load_alice (its free) loaded on your computer to run my game.
Digimath wrote:
I’ve posted my first Alice program to the Alice web site http://www.alice.org/community/showthre … 0#post6500.
I have again taken inspiration from one of J. H. MacDonald’s contributions to the 1968 booklet Digicomp*1 Romps. This time I chose make his Skater’s Puzzle entry into an Alice program. The object is to end up with the right configuration of skaters by placing them on and moving them between a set of circles.
You’d have to have the Alice program http://www.alice.org/index.php?page=dow … load_alice (its free) loaded on your computer to run my game.
kool is alice hard???
thewilddingo wrote:
kool is alice hard???
Alice is harder than Scratch. I gave up the first time I tried to use it. Eventually I took the time to go through Richard Baldwin’s online free course on Alice http://www.dickbaldwin.com/tocalice.htm and that helped me make a better start the second time.