Hardmath123 wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Paddle2See wrote:
Very nice! I'll sticky it for now...but we really need to think about doing some sticky reduction sometime soon - they are growing like moss!
By the way, Cat's Hideout is no longer sticky. Which points out a problem with these index lists - they are very hard to keep up to dateLol.
Maybe you could have like, a special sticky section at the top, with reduced information (like, only the title (and creator?)). It could even be collapsible. Like this:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22935223/stickies.PNGWhen's that screenshot from (the AT matter?)
Mockup that Sparks made for ScratchBB.
bombo wrote:
joletole wrote:
Hey everyone,
Have you ever had a question about where all the ITopics and Sticky's are. Look no further. Every single ITopic/Sticky is on this thread! If I do not show a forum, then that means that there are no ITopics/Sticky's in that forum.
Also, the ST is thinking of having another system for helpful/important topics, if you have an idea for a system for helpful/important topic, leave it below.
Suggested Ideas:
Info: Something that holds good information in them. Mostly in the Question Forum.
Help: Something that could help others.
IGuide: A very good guide that was made by a Scratcher.
Necropost: A topic that is older then 6 months.
If I miss an ITopic, please say so down below.
Advanced Topic:
ITopic: self-updating images and links in posts!
ITopic: Welcome to your local block library!
ITopic: Working together in Squeak
ITopic: Helpful things to know when creating custom blocks in scratch
ITopic: Scratch Secrets
Bugs and Glitches
ITopic: What to do when all text dissappears...
ITopic: Random logging out
ITopic: Problems that have been resolved already
ITopic: Why your signature is not showing up
Questions about Scratch
ITopic: Suggest new topics for the index to helpful topics here...
ITopic: THE ALMIGHTY SCRATIONARY!! (for Scratch Illtererate Users)
ITopic: Plagiarism
ITopic: How to Make a Better Project
ITopic: An un-brief history of Scratch
Show and Tell
ITopic: Propose projects to be Featured (Read first post first !!!)
ITopic: Index to helpful topics in Show and Tell: Start here!
Help with Scripts
ITopic: Official Offers to Help Topic
ITopic: Suggest new topics for the index to helpful topics here...
ITopic: Formatting Questions About Scripts
New Scratchers
ITopic: New Members...introduce yourself here!
Sticky: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage
New Scratchers
Sticky: ITopic: New Members...introduce yourself here!
Sticky: About that "New Scratcher" Status...
Sticky: Guidelines for New Scratchers Forum
Sticky: Important & Helpful Topics in New Scratchers: Start Here!
Help With Scripts
Sticky: List of Helpful Topics for Scripting
Sticky: Index to helpful topics for Help with Scripts: Start Here
Show and Tell
Sticky: ITopic: Index to helpful topics in Show and Tell: Start here!
Sticky: Questions To Ask when starting a collaboration
Sticky: Collaboration Tips
Sticky: About Collaborations
Sticky: Which Requests go Where?
Questions about Scratch
Sticky: Three questions about the remix visulations
Sticky: Got questions about Scratch 2.0?
Sticky: Index to helpful topics in Questions About Scratch: Start here!
Sticky: Suggesting Tips
Sticky: Scratch on portable devices...
Sticky: The Scratch Suggestions page!
Bugs and Glitches
Sticky: Timezones not working
Sticky: ITopic: What to do when all text dissappears...
Sticky: Report bugs in the Flash-Based Scratch Player beta here!
Sticky: Index of helpful topics in Bugs and Glitches (look here first!)
Sticky: Did you find a problem with the website? Here is what to do.
Connecting to the Physical World
Sticky: Unofficial Sensor Board (PicoBoard) FAQ
Advanced Topics
Sticky: Welcome to the Advanced Topics
Sticky: Index of important and helpful topics in Advanced Topics
Sticky: Chronicles of a Moderator: Moderating & the Responsibilities Involved
Sticky: Why Don't My Projects Work Correctly Online?
Sticky: Have a question about Scratch? Search the Scratch Website FAQ Page!
Sticky: Moderator Summaries
Hey, this was stickied, thanks to everyone who could make this happen!
Put a link to this in this. This is a Sticky. ( )
scimonster wrote:
Paddle2See wrote:
Very nice! I'll sticky it for now...but we really need to think about doing some sticky reduction sometime soon - they are growing like moss!
By the way, Cat's Hideout is no longer sticky. Which points out a problem with these index lists - they are very hard to keep up to dateLol.
Maybe you could have like, a special sticky section at the top, with reduced information (like, only the title (and creator?)). It could even be collapsible. Like this:
i like this idea, it looks a lot more organised than what we have now
Advanced Topics iTopic list needs updating with my thread
I have an idea for the system, so i'll create a mockup. I personally do not like the mockup for scratchbb, its cluttered, messy, and unorganized in my opinion. But i'll create my own mockup.
How do you make a forum.... like this one
say [please tell] for (2) secs
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