APFs Forum Tips - A helpful series for active forumers!
other tutorials: Show and Tell
Hey Scratchers
This is a quick guideline to show Scratchers how to post helpful suggestions for the website and the program and make them stand out.
This is a quote from back early 2011 (how time flies...)
coolstuff wrote:
In addition to this, you might want to suggest people view this page: Info on how to make suggestions - it clearly describes how to make a great suggestion for Scratch, and what the Team is looking for.
so.. click here or the link in the quote for additional help on how to make helpful suggestions ^-^
Suggesting website Improvements
∙ This first one is pretty important: be creative! Come up with interesting and fun ideas that could help the website become a more fun place to be! ^^
∙ Make your suggestions stand out! It's always great for a fantastic suggestion to get noticed. I know that one doesn't make that much sense, just try to be BIG ^-^
∙ Do NOT suggest anything that has already been suggested hundreds of times. For more info see Chrischb's READ THIS BEFORE SUGGESTING ANYTHING thread
∙ Make a mockup a mockup is an image, scratch project or a way of showing how your suggestion would work. Add it along with your suggestion forum
Suggesting program Improvements
∙ Think before you suggest something. Can it already be done with the features available? Very important.
∙ Think as if you are a new scratcher. Can you understand what your suggestion does and how to use it? Can you be more clear in how you post it?
∙ Same goes with program improvements, do NOT suggest anything that has already been suggested hundreds of times. For more info see Chrischb's READ THIS BEFORE SUGGESTING ANYTHING.
∙ same goes again, make a mockup a mockup is an image, scratch project or a way of showing how your suggestion would work. Add it along with your suggestion forum
Thank you for reading my guideline (if you have ) and please try and follow these instructions. And remember you can click here for additional help on how to make helpful suggestions ^-^
Also, go to http://info.scratch.mit.edu/Suggestions to learn about the Scratch Suggestions page where you can vote for suggestions and put up your own.
The Scratch Suggestions Page!
Thread by Lightnin.
The Scratch Suggestions Page Information
Information on the Scratch Suggestions Page.
How to make helpful suggestions for Scratch
Additional Information on how to make helpful suggestions.
A helpful thread by Chrischb.
Read this before suggesting anything too
A nice thread by kayybee.
Please suggest things for me to add into this thread, to add more helpful tips in here
Last Edited
Last edited by Agentpieface (2012-07-15 01:10:44)
I agree, it would help a LOT if people actually read Chrichb's sticky, put some actual though into their suggestions, and actually experimented to see if what they suggest could be accomplished with the existing features BEFORE they 'suggested' anything.
This should be stickied ^^
Nice guide, or whatever it is... Yeah, I guess a guide.
I'm gonna suggest this to be an ITopic.
EDIT: Oh yeah, we still use stickies in this forum.
Last edited by scimonster (2012-03-18 07:48:52)
Nice topic! Congrats on being stickied too!
Great job!
I also made another guide for suggestions, perhaps you could link to it, but it may gotten lost or deleted...
Edit: found it!
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 6#p1190216
Last edited by kayybee (2012-03-31 20:56:29)
well a tip from me maybe is too when you search something on the search bar and you type in the name (if you do not already have this) have the person automaticaly (i do not no how to spell today but i think you no what i mean) pop up
Thanks for these tips Agentpieface