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#1 2012-03-03 00:18:35

Registered: 2009-08-02
Posts: 1000+

Write a Harris Burdick Story :OOO

I know, I'm an idiot to post this at 9:10 pm
Too many topics I know
I deleted the Ray Bradbury topic on RaP to make up for it

a website with boring explanations, skip it if it bores you wrote:

I first saw the drawings in this book a year ago, in the home of a man named Peter Wenders. Though Mr. Wenders is retired now, he once worked for a children's book publisher, choosing the stories and pictures that would be turned into books.

Thirty years ago a man called at Peter Wenders's office, introducing himself as Harris Burdick. Mr. Burdick explained that he had written fourteen stories and had drawn many pictures for each one. He'd brought with him just one drawing from each story, to see if Wenders liked his work.

Peter Wenders was fascinated by the drawings. He told Burdick he would like to read the stories that went with them as soon as possible. The artist agreed to bring the stories the next morning. He left the fourteen drawings with Wenders. But he did not return the next day. Or the day after that. Harris Burdick was never heard from again. Over the years, Wenders tried to find out who Burdick was and what had happened to him, but he discovered nothing. To this day Harris Burdick remains a complete mystery.

His disappearance is not the only mystery left behind. What were the stories that went with these drawings? There are some clues. Burdick had written a title and caption for each picture. When I told Peter Wenders how difficult it was to look at the drawings and their captions without imagining a story, he smiled and left the room. He returned with a dust-covered cardboard box. Inside were dozens of stories, all inspired by the Burdick drawings. They'd been written years ago by Wender's children and their friends.

I spent the rest of my visit reading these stories. They were remarkable, some bizarre, some funny, some downright scary. In the hope that other children will be inspired by them, the Burdick drawings are reproduced here for the first time.

I was pretty annoyed to hear that this whole story was a fraud just to get kids to write stories but it's a pretty cool thing anyways
The point is to write a story based on the picture & caption
I have to write one for English class, if I can I'll type it up here afterwards
I'd be curious to see what you guys come up with  big_smile
Oh and I couldn't find the captions anywhere, so I typed them from memory
They're probably a bit off but close enough
The House on Maple Street It was a perfect liftoff.
Archie Smith, Boy Wonder "Is he the one?" a tiny voice asked.
The Seven Chairs The fifth one ended up in France.
Can't remember this one's title Two weeks passed and it happened again.

I'll put up more later




#2 2012-03-03 10:22:16

Registered: 2010-07-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: Write a Harris Burdick Story :OOO

Wickimen wrote:

Can't remember this one's title Two weeks passed and it happened again.

I'll put up more later

The one you can't remember is Under the Rug.
I know because another class in my school "solved" the mysteries and put them on that class bulletin board. I read some.  wink




#3 2012-03-03 10:24:40

Registered: 2009-01-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Write a Harris Burdick Story :OOO

who is harris burdick?

`                        Click here for my YouTube channel!                        `



#4 2012-03-03 10:45:16

Registered: 2010-02-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: Write a Harris Burdick Story :OOO

SpriteMaster wrote:

who is harris burdick?

did you even read wickis post

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#5 2012-03-03 11:32:55

Registered: 2009-08-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: Write a Harris Burdick Story :OOO

veggieman001 wrote:

SpriteMaster wrote:

who is harris burdick?

did you even read wickis post

Probably not  tongue

I looked through the first post just now
It appears I'm repetitive when typing things at night




#6 2012-03-03 14:03:10

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Write a Harris Burdick Story :OOO

Under the Rug

It had been two weeks since it had happened before. Mr. Burdick had came home from a busy day at work. His wife had just finished crafting a lamp, it was very beautiful. Harris asked his wife what she wanted for dinner, she said she would like soup. Harris, who didn't like soup, said that she had to choose something else. Mrs. Burdick took this as an insult and had a large argument with Harris before storming upstairs. Now Mrs. Burdick was gone, Harris could take his revenge by smashing her new lamp.

Well? I still don't quite get it but it's from the picture showing Harris about to smash a lamp with a chair.

Last edited by NeilWest (2012-03-03 14:04:21)



#7 2012-03-03 14:20:27

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-02-04
Posts: 100+

Re: Write a Harris Burdick Story :OOO

Loved the book with the famous authors, I'd seen those pictures before and they creeped me out  tongue



#8 2012-03-06 23:02:00

Registered: 2009-08-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: Write a Harris Burdick Story :OOO

NeilWest wrote:

Under the Rug

It had been two weeks since it had happened before. Mr. Burdick had came home from a busy day at work. His wife had just finished crafting a lamp, it was very beautiful. Harris asked his wife what she wanted for dinner, she said she would like soup. Harris, who didn't like soup, said that she had to choose something else. Mrs. Burdick took this as an insult and had a large argument with Harris before storming upstairs. Now Mrs. Burdick was gone, Harris could take his revenge by smashing her new lamp.

Well? I still don't quite get it but it's from the picture showing Harris about to smash a lamp with a chair.

Keep in mind, it does not necessarily have to have Mr. Burdick as a character




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