Hello Scratchers!
I have decided to make a Scratch Magazine called Scratch World! I plan to interview lots of well-known scratchers, write some interesting articles, and put much more entertaining stuff in this magazine.
Tell me what you think of the first issue: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Agentpieface/2367289
I have already interviewed RedRocker227 and lunarman42. I am going to try to put an interview in every issue.
This belongs in Show and Tell.
Let's try it in Show and Tell - it does seem like a good fit for that forum
I'll do an interview---I'm not well-known yet, but I'm gonna be a curator. I rike interviews :3
Paddle2See wrote:
Let's try it in Show and Tell - it does seem like a good fit for that forum
yeah.. i made this topic before i made the actual project though.
mewkid wrote:
I'll do an interview---I'm not well-known yet, but I'm gonna be a curator. I rike interviews :3
i guess your well-known enough XD
at least quite a lot of people know who you are.
post a comment on my scratch world gallery