Should you use the report button if you want a mods opinion on a suggestion or a question that only a mod could answer??
Yes. Reports are for bringing anything to a mod's attention, not necessarily just bad things
But don't spam the report list; only use it if it's something that really should be brought to their attention.
scimonster wrote:
But don't spam the report list; only use it if it's something that really should be brought to their attention.
Yeah, because if you spam on the reporting thingy, you could get banned yourself. So be careful, and make sure the report is needed.
Yeah, you don't want to report something like "I'M GETTING NO ANSWERS FROM NORMAL SCRATCHERS MODS PLEASE LOOK HERE", more like "THIS QUESTION RELATED TO MODERATORS, SO CAN A MODERATOR PLEASE ANSWER IT?". Anyways, a topic is likely to be seen by a moderator if not reported, anyway.
Hardmath123 wrote:
Yeah, you don't want to report something like "I'M GETTING NO ANSWERS FROM NORMAL SCRATCHERS MODS PLEASE LOOK HERE", more like "THIS QUESTION RELATED TO MODERATORS, SO CAN A MODERATOR PLEASE ANSWER IT?". Anyways, a topic is likely to be seen by a moderator if not reported, anyway.
Well, not always. Mods can't look at everything.