Paddle said we have to remove links to cs.w.c, or maybe just abbreviate it like that.
slinger wrote:
bbbeb wrote:
slinger wrote:
Sorry, just it seems everyone pick C++ right off the bat without even checking out other languages.It IS the best to learn, however
Um, no.
There are tonnes of other great languages.
Um, yes
Take into account 75% of all programming companies require fluency with C++.
Is the url supposed to be secret?
[Removed link to it as it is not an approved site. ]
Last edited by stevetheipad (2012-03-24 20:20:53)
bbbeb wrote:
slinger wrote:
bbbeb wrote:
It IS the best to learn, however
Um, no.
There are tonnes of other great languages.Um, yes
Take into account 75% of all programming companies require fluency with C++.
It's one of the most useful to know, but it's not really the best to start with (as far as I know).
bbbeb wrote:
slinger wrote:
bbbeb wrote:
It IS the best to learn, however
Um, no.
There are tonnes of other great languages.Um, yes
Take into account 75% of all programming companies require fluency with C++.
um no
Ok, so big companies use it, big deal, it's just not the best to learn.
It's an ugly language...
it's awkward
the list could go on.
slinger wrote:
bbbeb wrote:
slinger wrote:
Um, no.
There are tonnes of other great languages.Um, yes
Take into account 75% of all programming companies require fluency with no
Ok, so big companies use it, big deal, it's just not the best to learn.
It's an ugly language...
it's awkward
the list could go on.
Wait, it's not ugly and it's not awkward. I actually find that strongly typed languages actually help me code, because loosely typed languages often overwhelm me when I try to work on largerish projects.
Last edited by maxskywalker (2012-03-25 09:42:41)
It's ugly for some people, it's not for others. It's awkward for some people, it's not for others. Everything is based upon opinion.
slinger wrote:
bbbeb wrote:
slinger wrote:
Um, no.
There are tonnes of other great languages.Um, yes
Take into account 75% of all programming companies require fluency with no
Ok, so big companies use it, big deal, it's just not the best to learn.
It's an ugly language...
it's awkward
the list could go on.
um, what
1. Ever want a career in anything involving programming? You ain't getting it without C++.
2. Ugly must mean strong-typed. Because that's what it is. Just because it's not in extremely basic terms doesn't mean it's ugly. Get used to it. Try learning ASM. Have fun!
3. Awkward. Wat.
4. No, no it cannot.
Ok, so we disagree. I'm going to stop arguing as we both have made valid points. I have programmed in C++ before and I don't like it. No, there are other programming languages that companies use . Yes it is useful to know if you want to get a programming job but, um, no not necessary, do your research. Ok, so it's not extremely basic, maybe you don't program like most C++ programmers but um, it's really messy. Yes the list could go on. You seem to think that C++ is the hero of all programming languages or something...
And C++ isn't necessary at all to be a web programmer.
The Coders' Shed team is happy to announce that we now have 1000 posts, 25 users and 100 topics
Click here
Um, why doesn't Paddle like the links to the Shed?
rdococ wrote:
I would join if I can, too! I am intrested in coding.
this doesn't have to do with ANYTHING you guys are talking about, but, wow, in all my life, I've never seen that word in your siggy spelled out. Gosh is looks awesome! (i like big fancy words.)
Just had to tell you that.
Yeah, the earliest is May 26th. I'll make sure to suggest it then, though!
slinger wrote:
The Coders' Shed team is happy to announce that we now have 1000 posts, 25 users and 100 topics
Click here
It's amazing how they were all at the same time.
luiysia wrote:
Awww... it's growing up :'3
Lol :p
RedRocker227 wrote:
luiysia wrote:
Awww... it's growing up :'3
Lol :p