Hi, I've been trying to create a game in which your character has to catch falling objects and then answer a question if the object is caught. Problem is the object that is falling from the sky will continue to glide to the designated position even if it touches the other sprite. I need the falling object to stop once the sprite on the ground comes into contact with it. Here is the bit of code that relates to this:
when green flag clicked hide go to x: (variables) y:(180) show glide (3) secs x: (variables) y: (-180) if <touching sprite 1> ask (question) and wait
try this
when gf clicked hide go to X: <(variables)> Y: <180> repeat until <touching Sprite 1> Point in direction <180> move <Insert number here> steps end ask<(question)> and wait
Last edited by muppetds (2012-02-16 16:15:24)
muppetds wrote:
try this
when gf clicked hide go to X: (variables) Y: (180) repeat until <touching [Sprite 1 v]?> Point in direction (180) move (Insert number here) steps end ask (question) and wait
I fixed it.