I made my block placer sprite that was 13x13 pixels and Scripted it something like this:
when gf clicked go to x: [-234] y: [-169] repeat until <(x position) > [235]> repeat (pick random [6] to [9]) stamp change y by [13] end go to x: <(x position) + (13)> y: [-169]
Last edited by CheeseMunchy (2012-02-15 11:33:12)
A mining game like you're suggesting simply isn't practical in scratch, the amount of sprites required would be enormous, and for a world generator it would be so chaotic that it'd be better to learn java than try it in scratch...
maxdoss wrote:
Can someone please help me make a world generator? I want to make a mining game of epicness.
2 dimensional or 3 dimensional?
How many types of ore?
Should some be rarer than others? How much rarer?
Should the rarer ores be more common as you go deeper?
Depending on your answers to my questions above, I might have just answered it here