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Now running Minecraft 1.2!
Website: (Information and updates goes here)
PLEASE check the website before getting in, as we might change the ip when we get our own domain name.
Unfortunately, we have a whitelist due to some griefers. Please use this form and an admin will promote you as soon as possible. All non-whitelisted members may come in just for a visit.
MC Username:
When you got the game:
Who you are:
Best Minecraft skill:
Opinion on griefing:
Applications not following this format are ignored until you fix them.
Last edited by Paddle2See (2012-02-29 21:33:16)
BUMP Refer a friend rewards added, where you can get free items by just bringing people on here.
This is such a good server I wish more people would come on
Thread has gone inactive. Anyways, spawn city and PVPArena will be open soon. MobArena, sadly, has to wait about a week or two.
Is the shop guideline out yet?
If so, post the URL to it (if applicable) on my project.
MC Username: FlashM2
When you got the game: July 2011
Who you are: A normal mine-crafter who has been on almost every server ever existent
Best Minecraft skill: Mining to bedrock in one pickaxe, Finding weird places
Opinion on griefing: A VERY BAD deed that can ugly up a server and should be responded to right away
UPDATE: No more applications needed, just take a quiz, then click a sign, and you've gained access to the server!
Ok, removed MCBans, meaning that those with reasonless bans (especially honeypot), and permabanned people are able to join. However, abuse of this will result in the use of whitelist applications. Also added a slap plugin as an alternative to moderators killing and kicking people.
Added InventorySave. Also, we seem to have a few active people now. Hope to see more!
slinger wrote:
I came on, the unguesting system doesn't seem to work properly though
I'm in hte nether for some reason xD
XGamer42 wrote:
Cool server, but I have a problem:
I can't destroy ANYTHING. No matter how far I am from spawn, no matter how many tries it takes, the result is NOTHING
me too
MC Username: Qazedt
When you got the game: Mid-alpha
Who you are: experienced player and server administrator
Best Minecraft skill: playing minecraft
Opinion on griefing: nope
MC Username: i_am_slinger
When you got the game: beta 1.8.1
Who you are: almost an experienced minecraft player, I have done everything but fight an enderdragon
Best Minecraft skill: fighting
Opinion on griefing: Griefing is pointless.
Guys, there's no whitelisting apps. Maybe you missed something in the spawn?
BUMP I will finish up mob arena and fix the broken PVPArena if we get more people on, and at least 14 people wanting it.
nobody wants a mob arena and pvparena? no?
Also, we will soon be setting up several polls on the server, including what plugins to use, how to do the spawn city for 1.2, and a lot of other stuff that will affect the server when we redo all the software when Minecraft 1.2 is out.
BUMP So nobody wants to join? I'm just trying to give you guys what none of the other servers offer, like Polls deciding how the server's run, the ability to request plugins, and I might consider allowing PVP and a few other things, if polls say Yes, and PVP is not abused.
Ok, readding refer a friend rewards, gonna add a starter kit when 1.2 comes out, and several other changes will be done. Also, server slots have been increased to 40, but there might be occasional out of memory errors at that level. If there are, just please post here, and I will look for plugins that eat less memory.
Also note that when 1.2 comes out, the current quiz system will be replaced with a whitelisting system, as we have removed MCBans, a plugin that claims to block common griefers, but also throws absurd global ban rules.
I've removed the posts you considered offensive. However, I do feel that you perhaps over-reacted to an attempt to correct a miss-statement on your part. People can disagree with you without it being an attack.
Let's see if we can keep this topic peaceful
1.2 will be out tomorrow. Join today and save time having to wait for your whitelisting application to be reviewed!
In about an hour from now, we're moving to Minecraft 1.2, so you can keep playing while I prepare the spawn, and build the op and whitelist, then we will have Minecraft 1.2 up and running. For now, just please, join before the whitelist system goes up, as we will no longer be doing the quiz system due to it's noob unfriendlyness.
Topic closed