videogame9 wrote:
Are ALL the questions "Choose the missing shape"?
yeah most of them are, but this IQ test is made by real scientist or something like that so I think they knew what they were doing when creating this test.
139. I've only taken a test once and it was online.
marcin388 wrote:
videogame9 wrote:
Are ALL the questions "Choose the missing shape"?
yeah most of them are, but this IQ test is made by real scientist or something like that so I think they knew what they were doing when creating this test.
"© 2012 I&Q GROUP, spol s r.o."
Google Search for "I&Q Group"
Google Search for "spol s r.o."
Where's all the scientists?
Last edited by videogame9 (2012-08-13 22:54:23)
videogame9 wrote:
marcin388 wrote:
videogame9 wrote:
Are ALL the questions "Choose the missing shape"?
yeah most of them are, but this IQ test is made by real scientist or something like that so I think they knew what they were doing when creating this test.
"© 2012 I&Q GROUP, spol s r.o."
Google Search for "I&Q Group"
Google Search for "spol s r.o."
Where's all the scientists?
well I don't know, I don't really care it just seems legit.
I have found another test.
It's completely free, but it's shorter and looks worse, but still it's free.
I got 123 at this one
Another IQ test
jji7skyline wrote:
139. I've only taken a test once and it was online.
Man you must be an einstein or somethin xD
113 for the free one when the TV was playing, my sister was watching stuff, and my dad distracted me
And I have a headache.
Last edited by funelephant (2012-08-13 23:14:13)
marcin388 wrote:
videogame9 wrote:
marcin388 wrote:
yeah most of them are, but this IQ test is made by real scientist or something like that so I think they knew what they were doing when creating this test."© 2012 I&Q GROUP, spol s r.o."
Google Search for "I&Q Group"
Google Search for "spol s r.o."
Where's all the scientists?well I don't know, I don't really care it just seems legit.
That's exactly what people say when they click on the "win a free car!" advertisements.
I'm pretty sure someone is scamming you out of your money.
121 from an actual person, 2012 February.
Last edited by maxskywalker (2012-08-14 09:54:11)
at the end of the test it told me to pay :L
135, 123, 143, (Average 133.7)
All from online free websites though.
Last edited by Wes64 (2012-08-14 10:17:31)
I am skipping 8th grade, going from 7th to high school, had already skipped multiple grades in many classes before, and am in my schol's highest gifted and talented program. Yet I cannot figure out how to fix my Squeak.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
I am skipping 8th grade, going from 7th to high school, had already skipped multiple grades in many classes before, and am in my schol's highest gifted and talented program. Yet I cannot figure out how to fix my Squeak.
Yeah right... smells kinda fishy to me.
Last edited by Wes64 (2012-08-14 10:45:21)
marcin388 wrote:
I have found another test.
It's completely free, but it's shorter and looks worse, but still it's free.
I got 123 at this one
Another IQ test
I got 146 on that one.
marcin388 wrote:
I have found another test.
It's completely free, but it's shorter and looks worse, but still it's free.
I got 123 at this one
Another IQ test
I got 132 on that one, but really there isn't really any way to tell if those online tests are legitimate. Apparently, IQ tests are based on age, so if it doesn't ask anything about your age, you're basically paying to get a randomly generated number or a rough estimate that is far from being accurate.
Last edited by CylonToast (2012-08-14 11:36:24)
In kindergarten, I did an official one and it gave me about (highlight, don't want to brag)155-ish. I could've skipped 2nd grade but I would be wayyyyyyyyyyy to young. And I did/am going to do Geometry, Biology, and a bunch of other stuff in 7th grade.
I'm too lazy to take these tests but I'm guessing I'm about average qq
Mine was real, not online fake. Darn this 180 second rule.