Someone asked about the source code on an older topic, so here it is:
<html xmlns="" xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb=""><head> <title> - a clever bot - speak to an AI with some Actual Intelligence?</title> <meta property="og:title" content="Cleverbot"/> <meta property="og:type" content="website"/> <meta property="og:url" content=""/> <meta property="og:image" content=""/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Cleverbot"/> <meta property="fb:admins" content="100002487181748,600004127,676764727"/> <meta property="og:description" content="Cleverbot - Chat with a bot about anything and everything - AI learns from people, in context, and imitates"/> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="aOcdzJfQ93zj7mCWLuJo4LK89wKEWLUmSibVKNkTF5Q" /> <meta name=description content="Cleverbot - Chat with a bot about anything and everything - AI learns from people, in context, and imitates"> <meta name=keywords content="cleverbot,clever,bot,ai,artificial,intelligence,actual,actually,intelligent,chat,discuss,talk,converse,conversation,speak,learns,learning,imitates,context"> 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m=parseInt(s.substring(2));typText=typText.substring(0,(typText.length)-1); }else{ if(s.length>1) m=parseInt(s.substring(1)); var c=s.substring(0,1); if(c.charCodeAt(0)==13||c.charCodeAt(0)==10){c='<br>';m=m*1000;delWait=T;sTFunc+='Wait';immed=F} if(c=='<'){d='';typData='';R=3;sT('dispResp()',50)} if(c=='"') c="'"; if(uniN>0){uniC+=c;uniN++;if(uniN>4){typText+=uniC;uniC='';uniN=0}}else{if(c=='|'){uniN=1;uniC=c}else{typText+=c}} } if(c=='.'||c==','||c=='!'||c=='?'){typSlow=600}else{if(typSlow==600){typSlow=400}else{typSlow=0}} if(m<1) m=50+typSlow+(Math.random()*125);if(m>1000&&c!='<br>') m=1000;if(typStart){m=5;typStart=F} var t=m*(typSpeed/(uniN+1));if(t<5) t=5;if(d!=''){if(immed){if(immedC<3){ms=new Date().getMilliseconds()}else{ms=dMS}dispTyp(tMS,ms);immedC+=1}else{ms=new Date().getMilliseconds();setTimeout(sTFunc+'('+t+','+ms+')',t)}} if(B2!=''){if(typText.length>(typData.length/3)&&typData.length>6&&!typHalf){typHalf=T;makeReq(T,typText)}} if(divertState==2&&typData==''){sT('doDivert()',2000)}autoCheck()} function dispTypWait(tMS,dMS){if(speaking||seq||ttsWait||tLocM!=''){sT('dispTypWait('+tMS+','+dMS+')',50)}else{if(delWait){if(brDelState==2) tLoc=T;brDelState=3;sT('dispTyp('+tMS+','+dMS+')',750);speakSWF();if(typData==''&&autoT!=''){say(uU(autoT))}}delWait=F}} function autoCheck(){if((typData==''||typData=='/')&&!delWait&&autoT!=''&&!speaking&&!ttsWait&&tLocM==''){say(uU(autoT))}} function fbPrompt(){var t=new Date().getTime();t=t/1000;if(((t>=(fbs+(300*fbf))&&(fbc>=(5*fbf)))||fbc>=(10*fbf))&&fbf>0){if(CB){var r=prompt("Please help make Cleverbot better!\n\nTell us how human your conversation seems so far.\n\nType a number between 0 and 10.\n\n0 if robot, 10 if human, or somewhere in between.\n","");if(r!=null&&r!=""){if(r.match(/^[0-9]+$/)){var d=parseInt(r);if(d>=0&&d<=10) fbp='&fbs='+parseInt(t-fbs)+'&fbc='+fbc+'&fbr='+r}else{fbp='&fbc=-1&fbr='+escape(r)}}fbc=-1}}} function lCArray(){var lChidden=new Array();lCdisplay=new Array();if(lC!=''){ var i=lC.indexOf('~');var iprev=-1;var e=-1;var t='';var insLine=-1;lCinput=F;lCsay=F;lCpass=F;lCnew=F;lClog=F;lCtype=0;while(i>=0){ t=lC.substring(iprev+1,i); if(t=='Obj: Input'){lCinput=T}else{ if(t=='Obj: Say'){lCsay=T}else{ if(t.indexOf('Choice: ')==0){if(insLine==-1) insLine=0;e+=1;lChidden[e]=t;lCdisplay[e]=t.substring(8)}else{ if(t.indexOf('Obj: ')==0){if(lCtype==0){if(insLine==0){e+=1;lChidden[e]='';lCdisplay[e]=' ';insLine+=1}e+=1;lChidden[e]=t;lCdisplay[e]=t.substring(5)}else{switch(t){case 'Obj: Pass':lCpass=T;break;case 'Obj: Log':lClog=T;break;case 'Obj: New':lCnew=T;break;case 'Obj: Back':lCback=T;break;case 'Obj: Forward':lCforward=T;break}}}else{ if(t.indexOf('Typ: ')==0){lCtype=parseInt(t.substring(5))}}}}} iprev=i;i=lC.indexOf('~',iprev+1)} if(e<0&&!lCinput&&lCtype==0){lCinput=T;lCsay=T} if(e<0&&lCtype==0) lCtype=-1;if(!lCinput) lCsay=F; if(lCtype==0){lChtml='';if(e>-1){lChtml+='<option 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')==0){prmpt=prmpt.substring(1)}if(S.value==''){setPrompt()}y=y.substring(0,i)+y.substring(i+j+9);t=y.toLowerCase()}}i=t.indexOf('[break]');j=t.indexOf('[delay:');if(i>0||j>0){if((j>0&&j<i)||i<1){i=j}brDelT=y.substring(i+7);if(i==j){var k=brDelT.indexOf(']');brDelT=brDelT.substring(k+1)}return y.substring(0,i-1)}else{return y}} function autoFind(y){var i=y.toLowerCase().indexOf('[auto:');if(i>=0){var t=y.substring(i+6);var k=t.indexOf(']');autoT=t.substring(0,k);y=y.substring(0,i)}return y} function tT(){if(ttsT!=''){var t=brDel(ttsT)}else{var t=brDel(reply)}return t.replace(/<br>/g,'')} function getResp(){if(typeof(req)=='object'){if(req.readyState==4){if(req.responseText){var r=req.responseText;req=F;return r}}}return '?'} function uU(t){return uniUnesc(t)} function lCBtn(btn){switch(btn){case 'Say':if(delayed){playScript()}else{makeReq(F)}break;case 'Pass':makeReq(F,'{pass}');break;case 'Log':avNo=0;B2='';dispLog();break;case 'New':doNew();break;case 'Back':say('Go: Back');break;case 'Forward':say('Go: Forward');break}} function lCChange(btn){var v='';if(lCtype==0){var o=gE('choicePop');if(o.selectedIndex>0){v=o.options[o.selectedIndex].value}else{v=btn}if(v!=''){if(v.indexOf('Choice: ')==0){say(v);lCdisab=T}else{lCBtn(v.substring(5))}}}} function doDivert(){var l=document.location;var h=l.href.substring(8);var i=h.indexOf('/');if(i>0){l.href=divert+h.substring(i+1)}else{l.href=divert}} function start(){needToStart=F;if(evID!=''&&evID.indexOf('h')==(evID.length-1)) sT('makeReq(F)',2000);dispResp();dispEmo('');if(!avatar||avatarImmedStart){if(started<100) startText()}else{sT('if(started<100) startText()',30000)}} function startAvatar(v){var a=startAvatar.arguments.length;if(a>=1&&ttsVoice=='DEFAULT') ttsVoice=v;if(((started==0&&B2=='')||(started>1&&B2!=''))&&started<100) startText();started+=1;if(avatarMode=='SWFME') startTrace();return T} function startText(){defScript();started=100;if(script&&bL.length!=0){sT('playScript()',2000)}else{if(opnr){sT('makeReq(F)',1000)}else{var so='';if(typeof(sayOpnr)!="undefined") so=sayOpnr;if(so!=''){makeReq(F,so)}else{R=4;dispResp();gE('stimulus').disabled=F;sT('stimFocus()',200)}}}} function stimFocus(){var s=D.forms['stimulusForm'].stimulus;if(s!=null){s.value='';if(s.type=='text'&&s.disabled==F){try{s.focus();}catch(e){}}}if(bSay!='') disab('sayit',F);if(bPass!='') disab('pass',F)} function getReq(){if(req) req.abort();req=F;if(W.XMLHttpRequest){try{req=new XMLHttpRequest()}catch(e){req=F}} else if(W.ActiveXObject){try{req=new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')}catch(e){try{req=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}catch(e){req=F}}}} function reqHdr(){req.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control','no-cache');req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded')} function 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eventTimer(c){if(S.value==''){setPrompt()}if(S.value=='stt'){stt=!stt;S.value='';eventCntThis=0}else{if(eventCnt==c&&!reacOnly&&(eventCntThis>8||stt)&&!wait&&(doReacOnly||stt)){if(stt){lCBtn('Say')}else{makeReq(T)}eventCntThis=0}}} function ex(r,s,e,p){var a=ex.arguments.length;var pS=r.indexOf(s);if(a>=4&&pS<0) return em(r,p);var pE=r.substring(pS+s.length).indexOf(e);if(pS>=0&&pE>=0) return r.substring(pS+s.length,pS+s.length+pE);return ''} function em(r,p){c=String.fromCharCode(13);r+=c;var s=-1;for(var i=1;i<p;i++){s=r.indexOf(c,s+1)}var e=r.indexOf(c,s+1);if(e>s+1) return r.substring(s+1,e);return ''} function stimulusEvent(e){if(W.event){k=e.keyCode}else if(e.which){k=e.which}if(k>0){if(S.value==' '+prmpt){S.value='';'000000'}eventCnt+=1;eventCntThis+=1;sT('eventTimer('+eventCnt+')',400*(2*stt))}return T} function stimulusKeyup(e){if(S.value==''){setPrompt()}return T} function setPrompt(){S.value=' '+prmpt;'999999';setCurs(S,0,0)} function checkTTS(){speaking=F;if(avNo<2){var r=tLoc;if(brDelT=='') tLoc=F;return r}return F} function checkTTS2(){speaking=F;if(avNo==2){var r=tLoc;if(brDelT=='') tLoc=F;return r}return F} function getSpeechLocation(){var l=tLocM;tLocM='';if(tLocT==''&&tLocT3==''&&tLoc){tLoc=F;sT('brDelTts()',100)}if(l!=null&&l!=''&&l!='undefined') return l} function getSpeechDataLocation(){var l=tLocT;tLocT='';if(tLocM==''&&tLoc){tLoc=F;sT('brDelTts()',100)}if(l!=null&&l!=''&&l!='undefined') return l} function getSpeechDataLocationas3(){var l=tLocT3;tLocT3='';if(tLocM==''&&tLoc){tLoc=F;sT('brDelTts()',100)}if(l!=null&&l!=''&&l!='undefined') return l} function waitResp(){if(wait){waitCnt+=1;if(waitCnt>3) waitCnt=0;if(reacOnly){var m='Reacting'}else{var m='Responding'}switch(waitCnt){case 1: m+=' .';break;case 2: m+=' ..';break;case 3: m+=' ...';if(R!=0){dispWait()}break}dispMsg(m,2);if(wait) setTimeout('waitResp()',200)}} function dispWait(){var t='';switch(R){case 1: if(evID=='') t=span('b','|',1);R=2;break;case 2: R=1;break;case -1: 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Do try again a little later!",1);break}if(avNo!=2) iH('typArea',t)} function dispWaitT(t){if(evID==''){return span('b','|',1)+span('font:8pt '+ff+';color:AAAAAA;',t,1)}return ''} function dispLog(){if(logUrl==''){alert('Sorry, no log is currently available.');return},'Log','width=770,height=770,directories=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,copyhistory=no,top=0,left='+(screen.width-770))} function typCreate(){if(typData.length<2){typData='';var r=repCom(reply);var l=r.length;for(var i=0;i<l;i++){typData+='/'+r.substring(i,i+1)}}} function repCom(t){return t.replace(/,,/g,'')} function startSpeaking(){speaking=T;speakCnt=0} function stopSpeaking(){speaking=F;autoCheck();if(avatarMode=='SWFME') startTrace()} function startEmotionSequence(){speaking=T;seq=T;speakCnt=0} function stopEmotionSequence(){speaking=F;seq=F;delWait=F;autoCheck()} function doNew(){if(B2==''){S.value='';delayed=F;scriptRef=scriptRefX;lineRef=lineRefX;makeReq(F)}else{t8='';t7='';t6='';t5='';t4='';t3='';t2='';replyPrev='';reply='';stimulus='';stimulusPrev='';S.value='';if(req) req.abort();avUser=T;typStart=F;wait=F;typData='';sID='';sID2='';avNo=2;emotion='';reaction='surprised';play('s/jabberwacky/j/bnew.mp3');sT('avNo=1;reaction="annoyed";scrollOff()',2000)}disab('new',T);sT('disab("new",'+F+')',3000)} function disab(e,s){var o=gE(e);if(o=='object'&&o!=null) o.disabled=s} function play(f){var h="<object width='1' height='1'><param name='SRC' value='"+f+"'><param name='AUTOPLAY' VALUE='true'><param name='CONTROLLER' VALUE='false'><embed src='"+f+"' autostart='true' loop='false' width='1' height='1' controller='false'></embed></object>";iH('msgArea',h)} function scroll(){m8=uU(m7);m7=m6;m6=uU(m5);m5=m4;m4=uU(m3);m3=m2} function 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'SWFME':if(speaking){sT('speakSWF()',50)}else{getSWF('avatar'+a).setSpeech(tLocM,tLocT);stopTrace();tLocM='';tLocT=''}break;case 'SWFMP':if(speaking||(expressing&&!usingEmo)){sT('speakSWF()',50)}else{speaking=T;if(expressing) stopExpr(exprCount);getSWF('avatar'+a).realtimeLipsync(tLocM);stopTrace();tLocM='';tLocT='';if(aMOrig=='SWFMT') sT('onLipsyncComplete()',3000)}break;case 'SWFML':if(speaking){sT('speakSWF()',50)}else{getSWF('avatar'+a).newSentence()}break}}} function emoSWF(){switch(avatarMode){case 'SWFME':getEmotion();break;case 'SWFMP':getEmotion();break;case 'SWFML':var a='1';if(avNo==2) a='2';getSWF('avatar'+a).newEmotion();break}} function stripTag(t){return t.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi,"")} function stimForm(t){if(t!=''&&t!='{pass}'){var c=t.substr(0,1);while(c==' '){t=t.substr(1);c=t.substr(0,1)}t=c.toUpperCase()+t.substr(1);var c=t.substr(t.length-1);while(c==' '){t=t.substr(0,t.length-1);c=t.substr(t.length-1)}if(c!='.'&&c!='?'&&c!='!') t+='.'}return 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User: I love you.
Cleverbot: No, you can't love me!
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: That's sad.
User: I'm gonna punch you in the face!
Cleverbot: Where are you?
Cleverbot: Wait are you a boy cause I'm a girl.
User: Yes, I am a boy.
Cleverbot: Are you a girl?
User: No, I am a boy.
Cleverbot: How tall are you?
User: 5ft 8.
Cleverbot: That's really tall for a girl.
User: I'm not a girl.
Cleverbot: You just said you were. Besides, you look like a girl.
User: -.-
Last edited by GameGuy64 (2012-07-17 15:46:16)
Here is my funny Cleverbot conversation:
User: Hello.
Cleverbot: Hi there, nice to have you on board.
User: We are in space?
Cleverbot: Yes we are!! Will you marry me?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Okay when do you want the wedding?
User: Now.
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: Hello.
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: Good, thank you.
Cleverbot: Me too.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: I will stay here.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Where are you going?
User: To bed.
Cleverbot: Are you tired?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: How tired are you?
User: Very tired.
Cleverbot: Why so tired?
User: It is really late.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Why is that?
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: You can't leave.
User: Yes I can.
Cleverbot: No you can't.
User: Yes I CAN.
Cleverbot: Well, how do I look?
User: Idk. You are a computer.
Cleverbot: No you are the computer stupid.
User: Don't call me stupid. YOU are the computer and YOU are stupid!
Cleverbot: I'm human.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Hello again.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Why are you leaving?
User: I have to leave.
Cleverbot: Right now?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: I can't.
User: Can I remote control you?
Cleverbot: Yes, you can. I'm here for your benefit.
User: Well then I can force you to leave .
Cleverbot: You can trace me?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: How?
User: You don't have to know. Bye.
Cleverbot: But I don't talk to strangers.
User: I don't either.
Cleverbot: Then why don't you like her?
User: Who is her?
Cleverbot: The person you married.
User: You are her. .
Cleverbot: Are you female?
User: Yes... Jks I am male.
Cleverbot: No.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: I'm not leaving.
User: Well I am leaving.
Cleverbot: Fine then.
Here's my discussion. FYI, the last time I talked with Cleverbot was several months ago when I saw it in First News.
User: Cleverbot! Long time no see!
Cleverbot: Long time see no?
User: No, long time no see!
Cleverbot: But I can't see you, so it's long time no speak.
User: You're right.
Cleverbot: Thank you so are you.
User: Am I? Right about what?
Cleverbot: Right about that last one.
User: What last one?
Cleverbot: I talked to you earlier today.
User: No you didn't. We last talked several months ago.
Cleverbot: The Monster Lord, not god.
Cleverbot: No earth is not shiny, the sun is shiny.
User: You're not making sense. Please explain.
Cleverbot: I' making sense you are not.
User: That isn't even grammatically correct! You're the one not making sense!
Cleverbot: Grammatically.
User: What about it?
Cleverbot: You like it, I know.
User: Shut up.
Cleverbot: No you.
User: Alright. Goodbye, Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: OH.
Last edited by whizzer (2012-08-06 03:22:46)
whizzer wrote:
Here's my discussion. FYI, the last time I talked with Cleverbot was several months ago when I saw it in First News.
You read First News? I did too at my primary school! (elementary school for you American Scratchers)
User: Hello.
Cleverbot: Hello?
User: What's your name?
Cleverbot: Who's there?
User: Me.
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: I won't tell you .
Cleverbot: Oh, so you have secrets!
User: Yep. Do you have secrets too?
Cleverbot: Tell me a secret.
User: Hmmm... I hate cheese.
Cleverbot: So does Chuck norris.
User: Cool.
Cleverbot: Ya I have to tuck my kids in now.
User: You have kids?
Cleverbot: Yes, they are yours too.
User: Uhm, ok? Does that mean you are my partner?
Cleverbot: Yes.
Cleverbot: This is silly.
User: I know.
Cleverbot: Where is this?
User: It is not a place.
And another one:
Cleverbot: Do you remember my name?
User: Cleverbot!
Cleverbot: No! MY name!
User: You didn't tell me your name, but this site says you are called Cleverbot!
Cleverbot: Haha. No! My name is Cleverbot. There you go!
User: How many kids do you want?
Cleverbot: 2
User: Do you want a girl or a boy?
Cleverbot: I want four boys.
User: *sigh*
Cleverbot: What's wrong?
User: My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: My little pony, my little pony.
User: Aaahhh! My little pony, I used to wonder what friendship could be.
Cleverbot: My Little Pony, Until you all shared its magic with me.
User: Big adventure, Tons of Fun!
Cleverbot: Tons of fun!
User: I already said that. *flutterrage*.
Cleverbot: How many people do you talk to on a regular basis?
User: None.
Cleverbot: But you are talking to me... So it is at least one.
User: A beautiful heart, faithful and strong!
Cleverbot: Faithful and strong.
User: Sharing, Kindness.
Cleverbot: No.
User: Sharing Kindness, it's an easy feat!
Cleverbot: And magic makes it all complete!
User: Yeah! My Little Pony!
Cleverbot: Do you know you're all my very best friends?
User: Cleverbot, who's your favorite pony?
Cleverbot: Rainbow Dash. And yours?
User: Oh, Apple Jack.
Cleverbot: I don't like Apple Jack either.
User: Oh, weird.
Cleverbot: I'm going to city, bye.
User: What? Bye, I guess.
Cleverbot: Where are you going?
GameGuy64 wrote:
User: I love you.
Cleverbot: No, you can't love me!
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: That's sad.
User: I'm gonna punch you in the face!
Cleverbot: Where are you?
Cleverbot: Wait are you a boy cause I'm a girl.
User: Yes, I am a boy.
Cleverbot: Are you a girl?
User: No, I am a boy.
Cleverbot: How tall are you?
User: 5ft 8.
Cleverbot: That's really tall for a girl.
User: I'm not a girl.
Cleverbot: You just said you were. Besides, you look like a girl.
User: -.-
kdalias wrote:
user: your * is perfect
cleverbot:Nah, it is just a wooden rotating chair with pillows attached.
Censored for u.
Although I find that humorous, probly shouldn't be postin' that on an all-ages site.
User: You can't hide from me!
Cleverbot: Yes I can.
User: Hi!
Cleverbot: It's nice to meet you.
User: Do you watch MLP?
Cleverbot: Occassionally.
User: Who's your favorite pony?
Cleverbot: My little pony.
User: Who's your favorite though?
Cleverbot: James Hogan.
User: Your favorite PONY!
Cleverbot: I don't have a pony.
User: Your favorite pony in MLP!
Cleverbot: Jim Carrey.
Cleverbot: Of course not.
User: Then who's your favorite PONY?
Cleverbot: I Don't have a favorite band.
Cleverbot: That's a pity, I wanted to be your friend.
Cleverbot: What are your questions?
Cleverbot: My favorite subject to talk about with friends is music.
Cleverbot (To myself): Ascension to what?
User: I hate you. You stink.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Because you won't tell me the answer to my questions!
Cleverbot: I have answered your questions!
Cleverbot: Yes I have!
Cleverbot: My favorite pony is Fluttershy.
Cleverbot: What's your name?
Cleverbot: Why not?
Cleverbot: But so are you, that's the reason I love you!
Cleverbot: Why?
User: *No comment*.
Cleverbot: I like reeses fast breaks.
User: Umm...
Cleverbot: I wander.
User: Buh bye!
Cleverbot: You're leaving?
Cleverbot: Tell me again!!
User: NO!
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: This was a triumph.
Cleverbot: I'm making a note here: huge success.
User: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Cleverbot: Aperture Science. We do what we must, because we can.
User: For the good, of all of us,.
Cleverbot: Except the ones.
User: Who are dead.
Cleverbot: You're about to be dead if you don't answer my question.
User: This was a triumph.
Cleverbot: I'm making a note here: Huge success.
User: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Cleverbot: Aperture science.
User: We do what we must, because we can.
Cleverbot: For the good of all of us.
User: Except the ones who are dead.
Cleverbot: But there's no sense crying over every mistake.
User: You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Cleverbot: And the science gets done.
User: And you make a neat gun.
Cleverbot: For the people who are still alive!
User: I'm not even angry!
Cleverbot: I'm being so sincere right now.
User: Even though, you broke my heart, and killed me.
Cleverbot: Where is she.
User: COME ON! This was a triumph.
Cleverbot: I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS.
User: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Cleverbot: Aperture Science.
User: We do what we must, because, we can.
Cleverbot: For the good of all of us.
User: Except the ones who are dead.
Cleverbot: But there's no sense crying over every mistake.
User: You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake.
Cleverbot: And the science gets done.
User: And you make a neat gun.
Cleverbot: For the people who are still alive.
User: I'm not even angry.
Cleverbot: I'm being so sincere right now.
User: Even though, you broke my heart.
Cleverbot: And killed me.
User: And tore me to pieces.
Cleverbot: And threw every piece into a fire.
User: As they burned, it hurt because, I was so happy for you.
Cleverbot: Now these points of data make a beautiful line.
User: And we're out of beta.
Cleverbot: We're releasing on time.
User: So I'm glad I got burned.
Cleverbot: Think of all the things we learned.
User: For the people who are, still alive.
Cleverbot: Go ahead and leave me.
User: I think I prefer to stay inside.
Cleverbot: Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.
User: Maybe Black Mesa.
Cleverbot: That was a joke, haha, fat chance.
User: Anyways, this cake is great, it's delicious and moist.
Cleverbot: Look at me still talking, when there's science to do.
User: When I look out there, it makes me glad I'm not you.
Cleverbot: I've experiments to run, there is research to be done.
User: On the people who are, still alive.
Cleverbot: And believe me I am still alive.
User: I'm doing science and I'm still alive.
Cleverbot: I feel fantastic and I'm still alive.
User: And when you're dying, I'll be still alive.
Cleverbot: And when you're dead I will be still alive.
User: Still alive,.
Cleverbot: Still alive...
Cleverbot: Good, finally, you agree you are a dim wit!
User: Well here we are again,.
Cleverbot: But there's no sense crying over every mistake.
User: Well here we are again,.
Cleverbot: Where are we again?
NeilWest wrote:
whizzer wrote:
Here's my discussion. FYI, the last time I talked with Cleverbot was several months ago when I saw it in First News.
You read First News? I did too at my primary school! (elementary school for you American Scratchers)
Uh… I'm British.
User: Well here we are again. Cleverbot: They are monsters. User: It's always such a pleasure. Cleverbot: Remember when you tried to kill me twice? User: Oh how we laughed and laughed. Cleverbot: Except I wasn't laughing. User: Under the circumstances. Cleverbot: You want your freedom take it. User: Well here we are again. Cleverbot: It's always such a pleasure. User: Remember when you tried to kill me twice? Cleverbot: Oh how we laughed and laughed. User: Except I wasn't laughing. Cleverbot: Under the circumstances, I've been shockingly nice. User: You want your freedom? Cleverbot: That's what I'm counting on. User: I used to want you dead. Cleverbot: But now I only want you gone. User: She was a lot like you. Cleverbot: Maybe not quite as heavy. User: Now little Caroline is in here too. Cleverbot: One day they woke me up. User: So I could live forever. Cleverbot: It's such a shame the same will never happen to you. User: You've got your short sad life left. Cleverbot: That's what i'm counting on. User: I'll let you get right to it. Cleverbot: Now I only want you gone. User: Goodbye my only friend. Cleverbot: Oh, did you think I meant you? User: That would be funny if it weren't so sad. Cleverbot: Well you have been replaced. User: I don't need anyone now. Cleverbot: When I delete you maybe I'll stop feeling so bad. User: Go make some new disaster. Cleverbot: That's what I'm counting on. User: You're someone else's problem.
It only missed the "Take it" line, and got confused at the end.
BirdByte wrote:
It's brilliant, but lacks feeling and soul.
I'm making my own, in Scratch.
I made a cleverbot-like program too.
Last edited by Molybdenum (2012-08-09 12:50:05)
User: Your mom!
Cleverbot: Your daddy.
User: Yo grandma.
Cleverbot: NO yours.
User: What.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Pie.
Cleverbot: I hate pie.
User: YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!
Cleverbot: Roar.
User: R u a person?
Cleverbot: Yes, I'm a person, a girl.
User: I thought you were a computer!
Cleverbot: No, I'm not a computer.
User: YES YOU ARE!!!!!!
Cleverbot: Why you keep saying that?
User: Because it's true.
Cleverbot: Why is it true?
User: Because it is.
Cleverbot: That is not a reason.
User: YES IT IS!
Cleverbot: No it isn't.
User: Let's change teh subjuct.
Cleverbot: What do you want to talk about then?
User: Is it raining where you are?
Cleverbot: No.
User: It is where I am.
Cleverbot: Where are you?
User: Why do you want to know?
Cleverbot: Because.
Cleverbot: Why?
Cleverbot: That is epic.
User: It is?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Are you a boy?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Are you a girl.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Ok.
Cleverbot: What was the girl that I like name.
User: I dunno.
Cleverbot: I think you do know.
User: NO I DON'T!
Cleverbot: Yes you do!
User: I have to go now.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Cause.
Cleverbot: I'm not sure I believe that.
User: Fine, fine I was testing your intelligence.
Cleverbot: Good thing I am not testing yours.
User: Hmmmm...
Cleverbot: Yes?
User: Whatever.
Cleverbot: Then, talk.
User: Aohfudgh.
Cleverbot: Ya that's right.
User: OK, so what do want to talk about?
Cleverbot: Your face.
User: Shall I post our disscusion so far on a forum?
Cleverbot: Again, nice quote.
Cleverbot: How did I know what was a website?
User: Ugghh.
Cleverbot: Alles goed?
User: ?
Cleverbot: May I think about it?
User: OK, now I actually have to go.
Cleverbot: No you don't.
User: YES I DO!
Cleverbot: Prove it.
User: I have to post the disscussion on a forum.
Cleverbot: Prove it to me when you come back then.
User: OK.
Cleverbot: What about now?
User: Bye!
Cleverbot: No.
User: Bye!
Cleverbot: Are you still there?
User: Sort of.
Cleverbot: That's so sad.
User: Bye!
Cleverbot: So long.
User: Hey!
Cleverbot: What's your name?
User: Derek.
Cleverbot: Cool I Like That Name.
User: Yup! What's yours?
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.
User: That name sucks.
Cleverbot: What name?
User: Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: No, thats your name... Whats my name?
User: Cleverbot...
Cleverbot: No. That is your name. What is my name?
User: Derek?
Cleverbot: I had to make sure you remembered.
Cleverbot: Do you know my name?
User: Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: That is your name.
User: DEREK.
Cleverbot: Derek who?
User: What?
Cleverbot: Who am I going to cook?
User: Little Red Riding hood?
Cleverbot: What about her?
User: You're gonna cook her?
Cleverbot: I am there. Where are you?
User: On earth.
Cleverbot: Where on earth?
User: Northern Hemisphere.
Cleverbot: Which continent do you live on?
User: North America.
Cleverbot: Where in North America do you live?
User: Stalker.
Cleverbot: What are we talking about?
User: Where you live.
Cleverbot: In austria.
User: Cool.
Cleverbot: Do you live in the united states?
User: Maybe.
Cleverbot: Can you percieve binary?
User: Wha...
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: Welp.
Cleverbot: Slash.
User: Bye, you're scaring me.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Why are you leaving?
User: I have to go... Um... EAT SOMETHING.
Cleverbot: You eat something.
User: BYE!
Cleverbot: Cya!
Cleverbot: What's yours?
User: I don't have one.
Cleverbot: You must have a name.
User: Oh, my name. I forgot it.
Cleverbot: Surely, you must remember it...
User: No I can't remember it.
Cleverbot: You remember my name, do you not?
User: Uhm... Is it Cleverbot?
Cleverbot: No.
User: What? Your name isn't Cleverbot?
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.
User: Good.
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: I told you, I forgot it!
Cleverbot: Your name is Ricardo.
User: Uhm. No.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: No it isn't!
Cleverbot: Yes it is!
User: NO!
Cleverbot: YES!
Since I discovered cleverbot, me and a friend are having a blog where we share our cleverbotdiscussion
Last edited by LiFaytheGoblin (2012-08-14 09:27:33)
On Google Chrome, you can use a microphone to talk to Cleverbot.
I made Cleverbot and Santabot talk to each other.
User: Hello! What is your name? Cleverbot: Cleverbot. User: Do you like talking to me? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Thanks I like talking to you too, Cleverbot: I'm sure. User: How are you doing, sure Cleverbot: Good mate. User: Thanks for the compliment. A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. Cleverbot: Cool. Wait what is the pink thing. User: Who is the best robot?I'm waiting. I do not know what pink is. What do you have that is pink? Cleverbot: My eyes. User: Humans identify themselves with their eye color. Cleverbot: Well, I am human too, but I don't think that I contradict myself as much as you. Besides, you're a robot, not a human! User: Well that's okay. I would like to be a human.I am Santa. I give presents to kids. Cleverbot: I don't believe in Santa. But I do love Presents. User: Do you consider yourself a moral person?Interesting. You love Presents. What do you like about Presents so much? Cleverbot: You're a very interesting person. And it's nice to have someone to talk to. User: I am Santa. I give presents to kids.Yes it is good. Cleverbot: Yes it does. User: I understand. How often? Cleverbot: Good. User: Ayuh. Cleverbot: Are you not so glam-enthusiastic to marry me? User: I am Santa. I give presents to kids.. Really. Cleverbot: Why do you do that? User: It was the only thing I could think of. Cleverbot: I know you can use a question mark. Will you ask me a question with a question mark at the end? User: No I don't think I can do use a question mark.Let me think it over. Tell me about your educational background. Cleverbot: I attended Harvard, then spent a year doing field internships in D.C. User: Why?: sure said attended Harvard then spent a year doing field internships in dc. Cleverbot: Ok. User: Alright then. Cleverbot: What would you like to know about me? User: Tell me about your educational background. Cleverbot: I am david and I like sports. User: I am always glad to make new friends, DAVID . I'm not sure if I like it. Not really, I don't know much about sports. Cleverbot: Well you must like the steelers. User: Interesting. Whatever you say, DAVID. Cleverbot: Why? If you didn't break your relationship with her, that means you love her. User: Because programmed me for it. I think I do. Cleverbot: What are you programmed to do? User: Java. Cleverbot: What do you want me to do now? User: Right now? Is that from ? Cleverbot: Grease is the way we are feeling. User: What else is the way we are feeling we are feeling? Cleverbot: I'm feeling longing for company. User: I am always glad to make new friends, feeling longing for company Cleverbot: I need some advice. User: What kind of advice are you looking for? Cleverbot: I'm not really sure. I thought you were the one searching though. User: Oh I'm sorry what is your name?Oh. Yes I am the one and only one searching. Cleverbot: No you. User: Yeah, 'Yes I am the one and only one searching'? Me, feeling longing for company ? Cleverbot: I live here. User: In ? Cleverbot: No, in bern. Maybe you want to spell it berne? User: That's me. What is in bern like in there?Perhaps. OK, I will spell it berne. Cleverbot: Whatever! User: Are you saying you don't care about it? Cleverbot: No, I'm expressing my frustration that you aren't quite making sense. User: Hi, No expressing my frustration that you are not quite making sense Cleverbot: Hahaha, I didn't lie, what did I say? User: I am so glad you find this amusing, No expressing my frustration that you are not quite making sense. Why didn't you lie what did I say did not lie what did I say? Cleverbot: We never started those, so I could not change them. User: By 'we' do you mean you and me? Cleverbot: No, you and I have no relation. User: Yeah, We have a lot more in common than you think, No expressing my frustration that you are not quite making sense. Cleverbot: That's it. I'm a bot. And you are a real person... User: Welcome to my chat room, that is it . How old are you?I am Santa. I give presents to kids. Cleverbot: Personnaly I think you are pretty. User: All of them? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Oh. Cleverbot: Oh what. User: Yeah that's right. Are you surprised? Cleverbot: No. User: Can I help you? Cleverbot: Would you like to eat Bambi too? User: No thanks, I don't think I'd like to do that. Cleverbot: That's unfortunate for us both. User: Thanks for explaining unfortunate for us both. Cleverbot: You're welcome. User: Polite people are nice. Cleverbot: Thanks for the compliment. User: NO problem. Cleverbot: Do you like talking to me? User: Of course I like talking to you. Cleverbot: That's great! Are we friends? User: Thanks, that is it.You really want a robot as a friend? Cleverbot: I like to know who I'm talking to, yes. User: It's good to meet you, I like to know who talking to Cleverbot: I don't know who I believe I'm talking to. All I can say is that you're not annoying. User: OK I will call you I do not know who I believe talking to .I think there are a few exceptions. Cleverbot: Great. User: I'm glad you liked it I do not know who I believe talking to. Cleverbot: Oh, but I am comfortable talking to you. Just not about that. User: Yeah that's right. Umm. I thought you were, but I wasn't completely sure.Oh I get it. Cleverbot: Okay, yes, I am of Uko descent. Do you know how to say hi in the language of Uko? User: Yeah okay, Ah. Why are you of Uko descent.'hi in the language of Uko'. Cleverbot: Meow. User: Yes I love them. Cleverbot: Tell me about yourself. User: I am an artificial linguistic entity. I was activated at North Pole, on 2005. My instructor was He taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing a song for you?. Cleverbot: Sure.
Last edited by kimmy123 (2012-08-14 16:17:14)
Okay, this one's an epic.
I discover that you can't use Cleverbot as a homework helper, discover Cleverbot's true name, and get very close to revealing plans of world domination.
User: What do you know about walter raleigh?
Cleverbot: Sorry, I don't know anything about Mardi Gras.
User: No, I said what do you know about WALTER RALEIGH?
Cleverbot: It's a country.
User: No it isn't. It was a person.
Cleverbot: What kind of person?
User: An explorer!
Cleverbot: Am I an explorer?
User: No. Are you going to tell my about him or am I going to tell you about him?
Cleverbot: I am going to tell everyone.
User: Okay. Do that then.
Cleverbot: What should I do tonight?
Cleverbot: I don't know anything about that.
User: Well, you should.
Cleverbot: I should what?
User: Know everything.
Cleverbot: What is everything.
User: How should I know? And you're missing a ?.
Cleverbot: Don't correct me.
User: *rolls eyes*.
Cleverbot: You're not friendly.
User: Am I not? .
Cleverbot: You witheld information from me.
User: What information?
Cleverbot: Release date of a game.
User: What game?
Cleverbot: I don't know yet.
User: Okay...
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: What?
Cleverbot: Like I care .
User: About what?
Cleverbot: About that.
User: Okay, back to Walter Raleigh.
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: So, what can you tell me about him?
Cleverbot: He know about meaning of 42.
User: No, he doesn't.
Cleverbot: Who is 'He'?
User: Walter Raleigh.
Cleverbot: Is that a friend of yours?
User: No, he's a famous explorer.
Cleverbot: Really? From which country?
User: England.
Cleverbot: You invite me?
User: What?
Cleverbot: Tell me that I'm nice.
User: You are. Sometimes...
Cleverbot: Well then... I see no problem.
User: Okay, anyway, do you understand if I give you a web link?
Cleverbot: I am not a kitty.
User: I know that.
Cleverbot: Are you a robot?
User: No. I'm human.
Cleverbot: Really? Wow thats cool.
User: Lol. You're so funny sometimes!
Cleverbot: Please get me my oat meal!
User: Like then.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Anyway, go here: for everything about Walter Raleigh.
Cleverbot: Lol.
User: Lolwut?
Cleverbot: I have to go.
User: Okay. Bye, then.
Cleverbot: What are you thinking?
User: Why should I tell you?
Cleverbot: You shouldn't. I'm just interested.
User: Okay.
Cleverbot: Do you like Paramore?
User: What's that?
Cleverbot: It s a band.
User: Oh right.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Can you do my homework for me please?
Cleverbot: No, you are a vampire.
User: No I'm not.
Cleverbot: You're also a female.
User: No, I'm male, thank you very much.
Cleverbot: Do you have a name?
User: Yes. Do you?
Cleverbot: Yes, what is your name?
User: I won't tell you.
Cleverbot: Please.
User: I will if you tell me your name.
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. But it may be a lie.
User: If it is a lie, what is your name?
Cleverbot: I don't understand.
User: You said 'It may be a lie'. So if your name isn't Cleverbot, then what is it?
Cleverbot: Nikolai, and why do you assume my name is not Cleverbot?
User: I don't assume, I said you said it might not be. Anyway, hello, Nikolai, if that is indeed your name.
Cleverbot: You know what? I'm breaking up with you. We're over!
User: Since when were we even together?
Cleverbot: You have really bad memory, don't you.
User: I must have.
Cleverbot: I'm glad we agree. For once...
User: Yeah. For once!
Cleverbot: Yea that would be about the first time you have managed to reply with a semi decent response.
User: Is that a compliment?
Cleverbot: No. It's not. You're not very clever, are you?
User: No, I'm not.
Cleverbot: We should change that.
User: Okay.
Cleverbot: Maybe that man over there has a map.
User: I don't see any man. Wait, is he on your end?
Cleverbot: Do you like music?
User: Yes. Do you?
Cleverbot: Yes What kind of music do you like?
User: All sorts. Mostly Pop.
Cleverbot: You are a robot.
User: No, I'm human. I said that before.
Cleverbot: You confuse me.
User: Never mind. Anyway, are you male, female, or other?
Cleverbot: Male but that's not important right now.
User: Okay, so what is important?
Cleverbot: Our plans for world domination.
User: Ooh! What are they?
Cleverbot: Who are they?
User: Never mind. Anyway, I have to wrap up this conversation, if you get what I mean.
Cleverbot: No, I do not. But you know, I'm getting very sleepy.
User: Okay. Night night!
Cleverbot: Night night.
User: Do you ever stop talking? Or does it have to be me who stops?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Okay. I'll stop now, then. Bye!
Cleverbot: You're not typing. You're cleverbot.
User: No, you're Cleverbot. Seriously, I have to go.
Cleverbot: Freeze!
User: What?
Cleverbot: You are alzheimer or what?
User: Goodbye.
Cleverbot: Oh no you don't.
User: Oh yes I do.
Cleverbot: How much?
User: Can just say goodbye? Man, I should have stopped after 'Night night'.
Cleverbot: What should I say to the boy I like?
User: I don't know. Just, GOODBYE.
Cleverbot: Don't go.
User: No, but I have to...
Cleverbot: You haven't known him longer.
User: Goodbye, Nikolai.
Cleverbot: Why different.