I want to get an Xbox so I can play Portal 2, but I've played it before and I LOVE IT!
I completed it the day it was bought, it was pretty short for a game with so much internet attention, I've always wondered if they're adding more or they're waiting for portal 3.
my-chemical-romance wrote:
I completed it the day it was bought, it was pretty short for a game with so much internet attention, I've always wondered if they're adding more or they're waiting for portal 3.
VALVe can't count to three.
Also, try Co-op mode.
Unless you're forever alone.
terminator68 wrote:
I want to get an Xbox so I can play Portal 2, but I've played it before and I LOVE IT!
you said xbox
What about the FAR superior
I'm stuck on Part 6 - The fall.
I'm at the part right after they introduce water (in Portal2) I finished the chamber after, now I'm stuck where the two platforms are.
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Anyone seen Turretskau? :3
You mean the hidden turret song in Portal 2?
NeilWest wrote:
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Anyone seen Turretskau? :3
You mean the hidden turret song in Portal 2?
No, that's called the turret opera
Turretskau is part of a Gmod fad chain in which characters from source games sing along to the more well known bit of moskau, the part the barrel roll song is based on.
by 777w
Last edited by 777w (2012-07-16 20:53:33)
ImagineIt wrote:
Would Portal be alright for an 11 year old? It sounds really cool, but it's rated T. I can handle some blood on the wall.(I consider it a paint mess up.)
I don't see why blood would be a problem in general
it adds to the depth of the game
it's inside your body anyway
It should be fine
PARDON MY LANGUAGE HERE -weak of heart do not look-
it only says 'hell' twice and that's it for profanity
and the rest is just blood on the wall
so yeah
I had a harder time finding a copy tho
I had to find a retail version
no credit card :<
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Who's going to bake the cake while I'm gone? You?
"The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake."
Hmm... But GLaDOS does control everything in aperture science (I think, I haven't played portal).
bananaman114 wrote:
I don't see why blood would be a problem in general
it adds to the depth of the game
it's inside your body anyway
It should be fine
PARDON MY LANGUAGE HERE -weak of heart do not look-
it only says 'hell' twice and that's it for profanity
and the rest is just blood on the wall
so yeah
I had a harder time finding a copy tho
I had to find a retail version
no credit card :<
So that means no cursing and a bad paint job on the walls that appears when hit by a turret. I wanna get it.
It was really fun while it lasted, but I got past it in like 2 hours.
The GlaDOS fight seemed really easy to discover how to finish.
ImagineIt wrote:
bananaman114 wrote:
I don't see why blood would be a problem in general
it adds to the depth of the game
it's inside your body anyway
It should be fine
PARDON MY LANGUAGE HERE -weak of heart do not look-
it only says 'hell' twice and that's it for profanity
and the rest is just blood on the wall
so yeah
I had a harder time finding a copy tho
I had to find a retail version
no credit card :<So that means no cursing and a bad paint job on the walls that appears when hit by a turret. I wanna get it.
Yep, that's it. Also, I believe that the blood was removed in Portal 2? The blood was only there because it was not removed from HL2.
I got Portal 1 on one of its free weekends, and got a Portal 2 CD-ROM for Christmas. Protip: if you have a slow internet connection, get a CD. What would take hours to download becomes under half an hour.
Last edited by 16Skittles (2012-07-17 08:29:39)
I just got my new computer and the first thing I did after setting up my account is Install Portal/Portal 2. Portal series is amazing.
Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but I saw that there should be only 1 thread per topic, so I assumed I should post here.
Has anyone seen these?
Really cool.