I am hoping to make a company called Warning And Friends or WAF for short. It will be a small company with only 5 people(not including me). Anyone want to join?
Last edited by blazerv82 (2008-08-21 08:42:12)
ill join
I need help to make Virtual PSP and then we'll try and come up with other things that we can continue our Virtual series with. Once we run out of things to continue the V series with, we'll make something else that someone in WAF can think of. Going a little off-topic, have you ever watched the show Aprentice?(spelled wrong) Every challenge a new person is Project Manager and the person leading will tell the people what to do and overlook everything. That is what we'll do in WAF.
noobz wrote:
can i join?(i think no)
You can if you want.(i'm not angry at you for making VPSP)
Hitokiri wrote:
Can I join?
blazerv82 wrote:
I need help to make Virtual PSP and then we'll try and come up with other things that we can continue our Virtual series with. Once we run out of things to continue the V series with, we'll make something else that someone in WAF can think of. Going a little off-topic, have you ever watched the show Aprentice?(spelled wrong) Every challenge a new person is Project Manager and the person leading will tell the people what to do and overlook everything. That is what we'll do in WAF.
Interesting idea - so that way everyone will get a chance to lead the group and head up a project. Will they also get to decide what kind of project to make, or will that be a group decision?
Everybody's decision. Majority will rule though. If it is a tie then I get to decide.
Ok for our first company project I'd like to make a game based off of my Snake And The Platforms on the VDS game i made. Only this time around we'll add more enimies, more levels, and more things in it. Sound like a good idea? We also need 2 more people to join, and if no one does, then those who are in are the only ones in the company.
Hitokiri wrote:
So what should I do?
am I supposed to make my Vds or something?
Idk what I'm supposed to do, haha
No, just wait untill the full SATP game is out on VDS and then you tell me if you would like to make that into a full game.