The topic says it all.
Discuss characters, games, manga, anime and pretty much anything to do with Street Fighter. I have been playing SSFIV on my mate's PS3 and I'll hopefully have a 3DS soon so I can get the 3D version (I'm a Nintendo fanboy). My favourite characters are Juri, M.Bison and C.Viper.
Street fighter PWNES games like Mortal Combat and Teken! (Hey, what about Street Fighter Vs. Teken?)
What we need is Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat. Then I can finally rest in peace. I'll be able to relive the days where people clustered arcades, shouting out "HADOUKEN!" or "GET OVER HERE!" constantly. Oh yes.
On a separate note, I was more into other series a while ago, but now I've gained some respect for the series. In fact, this series helped me gain more respect for other series as well.