GLaDOS2 wrote:
Anybody here read Blue Sky yet?
It's so sad. ;__;
Wheatley almost dies, and Space Core actually does. ;________;
No, but I've read Lab Rat, now I know how and why Rattman drew those murals.
She tried to kill us in a pico-ninth of a second. That was better than last time.
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Anybody here read Blue Sky yet?
It's so sad. ;__;
Wheatley almost dies, and Space Core actually does. ;________;
No, I should, sounds good :3
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Anybody here read Blue Sky yet?
It's so sad. ;__;
Wheatley almost dies, and Space Core actually does. ;________;
Is that related to the Portal 2 Skyrim mod? If so, no.
Okay I haven't posted here in a while.
I noticed that in the "Meet the Bots" Portal 2 vid, the emancipation grilles look like the ones from Portal, and so does the "manufacturing" door. (it looks like some of the doors in the escape part of Portal.)
Lesse... I know there was something else...
Never mind, I'll come back l8er. cya.
GravityCatisalie wrote:
pikachu1337 wrote:
legolupino wrote:
GLaDOS facts:
the copyright on the GLaDOS software runs until 1997
GLaDOS' name is never said once in both games.
Between her first awakening in Portal 2 and the chapter, "the escape", GLaDOS changes her body and redoes her room.
It took twenty years of hard work and labor for the scientists, and when they activated her, she promptly killed them all with neurotoxin.
the DOS is GLaDOS' body, and the GL is her head.
As you can see, I've taken it upon myself to learn all there is to know about GLaDOS.GLaDOS Stands for Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.
She is Chell's mother, Cave's fiance, and also no more than a personality core, meaning that some other personality constructs may also be human personalities, enabling them to take her place.
The entire facility was designed with access to the control areas built for cores on the off chance GLaDOS was put back into a single construct for emergency reasons, but still needed control of the facility to some degree.I hate how everyone thinks GLaDOS = Caroline and Caroline = Chell's mother.
First of all: They built a giant computer called GLaDOS. She was insane and in just a sixteenth of a picosecond she would immediately try to kill all of the scientists. By creating personality cores, they could fill her mind with useless information so that there would be a delay in her going on a murderous rampage, but it still didn't work that well. They finally came up with a plan to have Caroline be the AI in GLaDOS by somehow hooking her and GLaDOS up. Caroline resisted at first, and after an argument with Cave relunctently agreed. However, GLaDOS realized what was going on, pushed away the Caroline AI, and, pretending to be Caroline, asked for a ton of nuerotoxin and kittens for "testing".
[Blegh, I gtg,i'll finish this later.]
Actually, no.
She IS caroline, because according to lab-rat neither caroline nor cave were present at the time of GLaDOS's first activation, meaning she was already in there.
Also, "Bring your daughter to work day"'s science fair had a project BY CHELL.
Cave was dead by then because wheatley was activated to see that, and you can only have two parents.
legolupino wrote:
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Anybody here read Blue Sky yet?
It's so sad. ;__;
Wheatley almost dies, and Space Core actually does. ;________;Is that related to the Portal 2 Skyrim mod? If so, no.
Not at all.
Poor kevin got powdered by a meteor. ;--------------;
GLaDOS2 wrote:
legolupino wrote:
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Anybody here read Blue Sky yet?
It's so sad. ;__;
Wheatley almost dies, and Space Core actually does. ;________;Is that related to the Portal 2 Skyrim mod? If so, no.
Not at all.
Poor kevin got powdered by a meteor. ;--------------;
And now I've read it, I KNOW WHO KEVIN IS! DX
legolupino wrote:
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Anybody here read Blue Sky yet?
It's so sad. ;__;
Wheatley almost dies, and Space Core actually does. ;________;Is that related to the Portal 2 Skyrim mod? If so, no.
Okay I've found it and am in the process of reading it. Man, it has some good writing skills...
Portal 2 level designer comes out tuesday!!!!! I cantwaiticantwaiticantwait
Most of my tests will be more on the... lethal side >
Best part is, GLaDOS shows you how to do it! (I think)
Find more info on
And I still can't remember a major thing I wanted to post here...
EDIT: Actually, it's, not thinking with portals.
Last edited by legolupino (2012-05-06 20:10:40)
Here is a link to the forum post about the DLC!
Shame it's not available for Xbox 360.
Major differences between Portal (p1) and Portal 2 (p2):
In p2, the doors have little running dudes on them
In p2, the emancipation grilles look less like grills and more like a two dimensional ocean
In p2, GLaDOS' remains are inside, whereas in p1, they are outside
In p2, GLaDOS' head looks different
In p2, elevators look different and are inside of the transportation tubes
In p2, the ASHPD doesn't glow
In p2, both of a sentry turrets' gun barrels are the sme length, in p1, the lower one is longer
I might post more later...
legolupino wrote:
Portal 2 level designer comes out tuesday!!!!! I cantwaiticantwaiticantwait
Most of my tests will be more on the... lethal side >![]()
Best part is, GLaDOS shows you how to do it! (I think)
Find more info on
And I still can't remember a major thing I wanted to post here...
EDIT: Actually, it's, not thinking with portals.
I'm going to make so many epic chambers
legolupino wrote:
Major differences between Portal (p1) and Portal 2 (p2):
In p2, the doors have little running dudes on them
In p2, the emancipation grilles look less like grills and more like a two dimensional ocean
In p2, GLaDOS' remains are inside, whereas in p1, they are outside
In p2, GLaDOS' head looks different
In p2, elevators look different and are inside of the transportation tubes
In p2, the ASHPD doesn't glow
In p2, both of a sentry turrets' gun barrels are the sme length, in p1, the lower one is longer
I might post more later...
In P1, it has a more cartoonish style.
In P1, Chell's model looks older.
In P1, it has more cutscenes.
In P1, the cores look different.
In P1, there is no gels.
In P1, there are rocket turrets.
In P1, there were more references to other VALVe games.
In P1, there were less achievements/trophies.
NeilWest wrote:
legolupino wrote:
Major differences between Portal (p1) and Portal 2 (p2):
In p2, the doors have little running dudes on them
In p2, the emancipation grilles look less like grills and more like a two dimensional ocean
In p2, GLaDOS' remains are inside, whereas in p1, they are outside
In p2, GLaDOS' head looks different
In p2, elevators look different and are inside of the transportation tubes
In p2, the ASHPD doesn't glow
In p2, both of a sentry turrets' gun barrels are the sme length, in p1, the lower one is longer
I might post more later...In P1, it has a more cartoonish style.
In P1, Chell's model looks older.
In P1, it has more cutscenes.
In P1, the cores look different.
In P1, there is no gels.
In P1, there are rocket turrets.
In P1, there were more references to other VALVe games.
In P1, there were less achievements/trophies.
In p2, there are no pellet emitters/recievers (you can see some in various chambers, but they don't work.)
In p2, GLaDOS' rings are all the same size (in p1, they incrementally get larger from bottom to top)
In p2, Chell wears her jumpsuit top around her waist
In p2, cubes look slughtly different
Oh, and @Neilwest: I've always thought the cores in P1 looked different because they were specifically made to be attached onto GLaDOS... Never mind, I just realized that if that were true, Wheatley would look like them also.
I just got off Portal 2's new puzzle creator, and MAN was the wait worth it! It takes forever to load levels you just finished building, though. And, I've noticed that the character you play during homemade test chambers is one of those little stick figure dudes from the investment oppurtunity videos! How awesome is that!?
slapperbob wrote:
legolupino wrote:
Portal 2 level designer comes out tuesday!!!!! I cantwaiticantwaiticantwait
Most of my tests will be more on the... lethal side >![]()
Best part is, GLaDOS shows you how to do it! (I think)
Find more info on
And I still can't remember a major thing I wanted to post here...
EDIT: Actually, it's, not thinking with portals.Yaaaaayyyyy!!!
I'm going to make so many epic chambers![]()
Of course, I made all of the original ones.
And I'm actually taking time to hold the ridiculous chambers you come up with.
Of course.... it's for science.
legolupino wrote:
I just got off Portal 2's new puzzle creator, and MAN was the wait worth it! It takes forever to load levels you just finished building, though. And, I've noticed that the character you play during homemade test chambers is one of those little stick figure dudes from the investment oppurtunity videos! How awesome is that!?
Nice, I had a go on my friend's PC version (remember how I have the Xbox 360 version) and we made a level where you had to make turrets fly to get past them. It's difficult, but so fun!
I am a huge fan of Valve. I know too much about portal!
"You chose this path now i have a surprise for you. Deploying surprise in 5, 4.... Time out for a second" :I
Actually, no.
She IS caroline, because according to lab-rat neither caroline nor cave were present at the time of GLaDOS's first activation, meaning she was already in there.
Also, "Bring your daughter to work day"'s science fair had a project BY CHELL.
Cave was dead by then because wheatley was activated to see that, and you can only have two parents.
Pikachu1337 has a point. I knew that GLaDOS was caroline from the lecture GLaDOS gives you at the end of portal 2 about valuable lessons. After she deleated caroline, she let you free because it was too dangerous for chell to stay in aperture, because GLaDOS was afraid that she was going to kill her friend, Chell. But it was nice how GLaDOS gave chell the companion cube at the end.
"Reflect briefly on this smooth jazz music *smooth jazz plays for a few seconds* BUZZZZZZ"
Anyway, I finished that test I was talking about, basically, you enter a glass box with a doorway to enter in and out, and then there are some turrets blocking the path, and then there is a gap and then a ledge with more turrets on. What you need to do is portal underneath a turret, then portal on a surface above it to send it flying and then the two turrets (one you shot and the on a ledge) collide and fall. Do this for each of the three turrets and then you can press the button and carry on.
Hey GLaDOS2, can i friend you? You seem cool! A fellow portal fan.
, just like myself.
Right - GLaDOS was turned on during the 'Bring Your Daughter To Work Day' so when GLaDOS turned on the neurotoxin, Chell miraculously survives when she is saved by GLaDOS as a future test subject. She wakes up in a bed, years later.
I'm building a test chamber where basically you have to "escape". I'm trying to make it look like some sort of max-security prison. It will be very large, which will be a problem since my comuter takes around five minutes to load up even very tiny chambers. :( Oh, well. The first part of the test involves around three sets of laser fields. I just found out that they kill you on contact. I don't recomend on trying it out.
legolupino wrote:
I'm building a test chamber where basically you have to "escape". I'm trying to make it look like some sort of max-security prison. It will be very large, which will be a problem since my comuter takes around five minutes to load up even very tiny chambers.
Oh, well. The first part of the test involves around three sets of laser fields. I just found out that they kill you on contact. I don't recomend on trying it out.
Ok, so I'm not the only one who's game takes forever to load a chamber...
Okay, I've found three cake references in Portal 2.
1. Rattmann's drawing
2. The "door" to GLaDOS' room (it's a lie)
3. Not many people know about this, but when you fall into the relaxation chamber, pick up the clipboard and zoom in on the bottom right corner. There is a cake sign. Probably because they reused the object from Portal.
I actually heard Chell make a noise while playing Portal. I was getting crushed by one of those big masher piston things in one of the escape levels, and I heard Chell gasp. So she isn't completely noisless after all.