werdna123 wrote:
Hello: Hefra
Hi: Hefi
Good day: Gon tago
Good morning: Gon Moro
Good afternoon: Gon Levgapaso
Good evening: Gon eva
Zero: Nicht
One: On
Two: Ga
Three: Twi
Four: Fai
Five: Faion
Six: Sel
Seven: Selon
Eight: Acht
Nine: Achton
Ten: Levors
Eleven: Levon
Twelve: Levga
How are you? : Du gon, digon? You good, bad?
Are you OK? : Du gon? You good?[
What is your name? : Dune nam? Your name?
Mister: Mastel
Misses: Geystel
Sir: Sier?
Madam: Geyfro
Lord: Mas-Frala
Lady: Gey-Frala
Hefra. Du gon digon?
rodentqween9 wrote:
You could make codes by turning everything you say backwards, for example: hello, how are you today? would be.. : olleh woh era ouy yadot?
Ton a yrev aedi, tub I ekil eht tpecnoc!
Yllutca, I ekil siht aedi... tegrof eht ecnetnes...
I evol ti! 3> (sdrawkcab treah)
Last edited by rdococ (2012-02-15 22:01:08)
rdococ wrote:
rodentqween9 wrote:
You could make codes by turning everything you say backwards, for example: hello, how are you today? would be.. : olleh woh era ouy yadot?
Ton a yrev aedi, tub I ekil eht tpecnoc!
Yllutca, I ekil siht aedi... tegrof eht ecnetnes...
I evol ti! 3> (sdrawkcab treah)
knaht uoy
rodentqween9 wrote:
rdococ wrote:
rodentqween9 wrote:
You could make codes by turning everything you say backwards, for example: hello, how are you today? would be.. : olleh woh era ouy yadot?
Ton a yrev aedi, tub I ekil eht tpecnoc!
Yllutca, I ekil siht aedi... tegrof eht ecnetnes...
I evol ti! 3> (sdrawkcab treah)knaht uoy
Er'uoy emoclew!
rdococ wrote:
rodentqween9 wrote:
You could make codes by turning everything you say backwards, for example: hello, how are you today? would be.. : olleh woh era ouy yadot?
Ton a yrev aedi, tub I ekil eht tpecnoc!
Yllutca, I ekil siht aedi... tegrof eht ecnetnes...
I evol ti! 3> (sdrawkcab treah)
Wickimen wrote:
Em dna na tenretni dneirf desu ot tahc lla dsrawkcab.... I tog etiuq doog ta ti dna dluoc od ti yllaer tsaf. Tub m'I ytsur won dna og rewols.
looc. ev'I reven enod ti erofeb. Ti nt'si taht drah yna erom hguoth. Mi doog ta gnidaer ti won. D:
I updated my conlang with a numeral system!
I'll post the full updated conlang again.
---My Conlang---
-eye: to signify that the rest of the word shows part of a word meaning the emotion that occurs when English people say the word in English. (letter before suffix must be not a vowel!)
-peye: same as eye, but the letter before this suffix must be a vowel.
-aya: a suffix meaning that there is no defined emotion, and instead it means the rest of the word is part of a synonim for that English word.
-paya: same as aya, but used with a vowel before the actual suffix.
-now/pow: for verbs, present tense.
-lef/elf: for verbs, past tense.
-aien/payen: for verbs, future tense.
-ane/pane: basic emotion words. Like -eye and -peye, but the emotions are basic.
Pronouncation rules
- e or a at the end of any suffix is silent. e.g. Hapeye is pronounced "Hap-ey"
- y in a suffix can be pronounced "z" when surrounded by "a". e.g. Nigopaya is pronounced "Nigo-paz" but Hafupayen is still pronounced "Hafu-pay", because there's not an A right after the Y.
- "Sl" is replaced with "Sal"
- a 26th letter, "-" is introduced. It's like a space inbetween words, but the speaking gap is slower and it does not mean a new word.
No dialects!
- Hello: Hapeye
- Bye: Sahapeye
- I: Mepaya
- am: Eqobjaya
- Good/Nice: Nigopaya
- Bad/Ugly: Ugnapaya
- Her: Girlimaya
- He: Boylimaya
- Girl: Girlaya
- Boy: Boyapaya
- Age: Olobjscipaya
- Plus: Addnumaya
- Takeaway: Remnumaya
- Multiply: Multnumaya
- Divide: Divnumaya
- Power of: Multtimenumaya
- Divide by 0: Divnomzererraya
- abs: Positinumaya
- sqrt: Divnomthrepaya
- Anything that is used for transport: Transobjaya
- Any healthy food: Goodehunaya
- Any unhealthy food: Badehunaya
- Any game controller: Playobjaya
- Any person: Livobjperaya
- Any animal: Livobjanipaya
- Scientific items: Sciobjaya
- Hehe/Haha/laughing: Hapsapaya!
- Sad: Sab-apane...
- Crying: Cr-ey-epeye...
- Happy: Hagopane!
very funny jokes: Supercalifragaya! / Ayayeyepaya!
even funnier: Supawoopadoopagaya! / Chunorrispaya!
- playing: Hafupow/Hafulef/Hafupayen
- running: Lofagopow/Lofagolef/Lofagopayen
- swimming: Watranow/Wantranelf/Watrapayen
- walking: Salfabapow/Salfabalef/Salfwabapayen
Numbers: Base 1
- 1: Ongopaya
- null: Nonbaya
Base 1 was chosen since Base 1 is very simple.
Feedback is wanted.
Oh, and by the way, althrough this might not be creative, it's both complicated (like gibberish) but understandable in a way.
Last edited by rdococ (2012-02-16 00:32:57)
How to learn Egaugnal, language of the Egaugnians
Hello - Sgniteerg(sig-NIT-eerg)
Goodbye - Lleweraf(LEW-er-AFF)
Good morning - gninromdoog(nin-ROM-doog)
Good afternoon - gninevedoog(nin-EEV-doog)
Good night - thgindoog(thig-IN-doog)
Gnin- Prefix for time of day before sun comes down
-doog Suffix that means "good"
Please - uoyknaht(OO-ee-nat)
Thank you - esaelp(e-SAILP)
You're welcome - emocleweruoy(E-mo-CLOO-er-OO-ee)
pokeywokey wrote:
How to learn Egaugnal, language of the Egaugnians
Hello - Sgniteerg(sig-NIT-eerg)
Goodbye - Lleweraf(LEW-er-AFF)
Good morning - gninromdoog(nin-ROM-doog)
Good afternoon - gninevedoog(nin-EEV-doog)
Good night - thgindoog(thig-IN-doog)
Gnin- Prefix for time of day before sun comes down
-doog Suffix that means "good"
Please - uoyknaht(OO-ee-nat)
Thank you - esaelp(e-SAILP)
You're welcome - emocleweruoy(E-mo-CLOO-er-OO-ee)
Why does this make me think of Blues Clues...
oh god why