mythbusteranimator wrote:
I can only download the IMAGE file and notepad codes.
Just open the image with Scratch.exe.
I would like to report a glitch, for some reason the green flag kept bringing up the "Error! message not understood: complexObject" glitch and stopped but would like to announce that in case of future disabilities. And that error happens randomly to blocks, scripts, and the green flag even if it was just working fine. I'm still looking for the source of the error.
djdolphin wrote:
When do you think movies will be implemented? Also, Applescript isn't working for me, and i'm using a mac.
The only problem with the movies is that there aren't that many compatible formats built into Scratch. I'm gong to try to see if newer squeak images have that implemented. The Applescript doesn't work because there's one small glitch that ruins the whole thing. i'm trying to fix that. But it I know it will work when I fix the glitch, because it works in the Squeak 3.1 Beta image. Also, I have added the TestOSAPlugin from the Squeak VM which is required.
Ask_Pinkamena wrote:
I would like to report a glitch, for some reason the green flag kept bringing up the "Error! message not understood: complexObject" glitch and stopped but would like to announce that in case of future disabilities. And that error happens randomly to blocks, scripts, and the green flag even if it was just working fine. I'm still looking for the source of the error.
I fixed the big problem but it doesn't show images in lists like it's supposed to. but you can still use the list blocks. file this in to repair for now.
'From Dreamod 1.0 [No updates present.] on 3 November 2012 at 11:24:28 am'! !WatcherReadoutFrameMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'dreamod 11/3/2012 11:11'! complexObject ^complexObject! ! !WatcherReadoutFrameMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'dreamod 11/3/2012 11:11'! complexObject: anObject | newListWatcher | complexObject _ anObject. (anObject isKindOf: ScratchListMorph) ifTrue: [ submorphs _ submorphs copyWithout: anObject. anObject position: self position + 5. self addMorphBack: anObject. anObject fixLayout. anObject startStepping. ^ self]. ! ! !WatcherReadoutFrameMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'dreamod 7/19/2012 11:58'! defaultColor ^ defaultColor! ! !WatcherReadoutFrameMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'dreamod 7/19/2012 12:05'! defaultColor: t1 defaultColor _ t1! ! !WatcherReadoutFrameMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'dreamod 11/3/2012 11:12'! fixLayout | watcher readout isLarge s e readoutWidth yOffset w inset | ((submorphs size = 1) and: [submorphs first isKindOf: StringMorph]) ifFalse: [^ self]. watcher _ self ownerThatIsA: WatcherMorph. readout _ submorphs first. isLarge _ watcher ifNil: [false] ifNotNil: [watcher isLarge]. s _ readout contents. isLarge ifTrue: [self width: 50] ifFalse: [self width: 40]. (s isKindOf: Form) ifTrue: [ readout extent: s extent. self extent: readout extent +( 10@10). readout position: self position + (5@5). ^self layoutChanged ]. e _ ScratchTranslator stringExtent: s font: readout font. readoutWidth _ e x. (readoutWidth + 10) > self width ifTrue: [self width: readoutWidth + 12]. self width > (readoutWidth + 50) ifTrue: [self width: readoutWidth + 50]. readout contents: (UTF8 withAll: readout contents). "set height" isLarge ifTrue: [self height: (e y max: 23)] ifFalse: [self height: (e y max: 14)]. yOffset _ (self height // 2) - (ScratchTranslator centerOffsetForButtonWithFont: readout font) + 1. (((s indexOf: $.) = (s size - 2)) and: [((s indexOf: $.) = 0) not]) "one digit after the decimal point" ifTrue: [ "right-justify the string" w _ (ScratchTranslator stringExtent: (s copyUpTo: $.) font: readout font) x. inset _ (ScratchTranslator stringExtent: '.0' font: readout font) x. self isLarge ifTrue: [inset _ inset + 1]. readout position: self topRight - ((w + inset + 5) @ (-1 * yOffset))] ifFalse: [ readout position: self position + (((self width - readoutWidth) // 2) @ yOffset)]. (readout bottom > self bottom) ifTrue: [readout bottom: self bottom]. (readout top < self top) ifTrue: [readout top: self top]. isLarge ifFalse: [ watcher ifNotNil: [watcher layoutForViewer]]. self layoutChanged. ! ! !WatcherReadoutFrameMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'jm 8/6/2008 19:39'! isLarge "Support for reading old Watchers; do not remove!!" ^ submorphs size > 0 and: [self firstSubmorph font pointSize > 10] ! ! !ScriptableScratchMorph methodsFor: 'list ops' stamp: 'dreamod 11/3/2012 11:18'! asListElement: anObject "Answer the given object converted to an object suitable for storing in a list." (anObject respondsTo: #imageForm) ifTrue: [^ anObject]. (anObject isKindOf: BlockMorph) ifTrue: [^ anObject]. (anObject isKindOf: ScratchListMorph) ifTrue: [^ anObject]. (anObject isKindOf: String) ifTrue: [^ anObject]. anObject isUnicode ifTrue: [^ anObject]. (anObject isKindOf: Character) ifTrue: [^ anObject asString]. (anObject isKindOf: Boolean) ifTrue: [ ^ anObject]. " (anObject isKindOf: Boolean) ifTrue: [ ^ anObject ifTrue: ['1'] ifFalse: ['0']]. " ^ anObject printString ! !
Hope that fixes the problem.
You might want to add this too....
languageChanged "Force label update after switching languages." lastTargetName _ nil. self updateTargetName. readout target: readout target. "forces contents to update" titleMorph extent: (ScratchTranslator stringExtent: titleMorph contents font: titleMorph font). (readout contents isKindOf: Form) ifTrue: [ readout extent: readout contents extent + (10 @ 10). ^self ]. readout extent: (ScratchTranslator stringExtent: readout contents font: readout font).
Fixes a bug where Dream tries to get the string extent from an image in a watcher.
dreamod wrote:
You might want to add this too....
languageChanged "Force label update after switching languages." lastTargetName _ nil. self updateTargetName. readout target: readout target. "forces contents to update" titleMorph extent: (ScratchTranslator stringExtent: titleMorph contents font: titleMorph font). (readout contents isKindOf: Form) ifTrue: [ readout extent: readout contents extent + (10 @ 10). ^self ]. readout extent: (ScratchTranslator stringExtent: readout contents font: readout font).Fixes a bug where Dream tries to get the string extent from an image in a watcher.
oh. sorry forgot to click preview...
This should be the right one
!WatcherMorph methodsFor: 'accessing'! languageChanged "Force label update after switching languages." lastTargetName _ nil. self updateTargetName. readout target: readout target. "forces contents to update" titleMorph extent: (ScratchTranslator stringExtent: titleMorph contents font: titleMorph font). (readout contents isKindOf: Form) ifTrue: [ readout extent: readout contents extent + (10 @ 10). ^self ]. readout extent: (ScratchTranslator stringExtent: readout contents font: readout font). ! !
dreamod wrote:
OK, I've uploaded it here, keep in mind that it's not quite finished yet. Please post your feedback.
Mac (application and image)
PC (image only)
I released dream.
art thou happy? :p
thou mustn't weep
for thou can use Dream
Hey, can you please not have it on Media Fire? It has lots of ads.
iTweak0r wrote:
dreamod wrote:
OK, I've uploaded it here, keep in mind that it's not quite finished yet. Please post your feedback.
Mac (application and image)
PC (image only)
I released dream.
art thou happy? :p
thou mustn't weep
for thou can use DreamHey, can you please not have it on Media Fire? It has lots of ads.
Well, I don't know where else to put it for free. Sorry.
dreamod wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Can you use dream with only the IMAGE file?
Almost everything works then. Applescript plugin wont work without the Dream VM
I'll try it.
Nope. It only opens a IE popup saying "SAVE OR OPEN" and opening does nothing, saving does nothing but open Panther.
dreamod wrote:
iTweak0r wrote:
dreamod wrote:
OK, I've uploaded it here, keep in mind that it's not quite finished yet. Please post your feedback.
Mac (application and image)
PC (image only)
I released dream.
art thou happy? :p
thou mustn't weep
for thou can use DreamHey, can you please not have it on Media Fire? It has lots of ads.
Well, I don't know where else to put it for free. Sorry.
Use DropBox, i've heard that the first bit of data -- enough for a scratch mod -- is free
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Nope. It only opens a IE popup saying "SAVE OR OPEN" and opening does nothing, saving does nothing but open Panther.
Any way to fix that?
mythbusteranimator wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Nope. It only opens a IE popup saying "SAVE OR OPEN" and opening does nothing, saving does nothing but open Panther.
Any way to fix that?
mythbusteranimator wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Nope. It only opens a IE popup saying "SAVE OR OPEN" and opening does nothing, saving does nothing but open Panther.
Any way to fix that?
I'm a mac user and I'm assuming you're using windows so I don't know how to help.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Nope. It only opens a IE popup saying "SAVE OR OPEN" and opening does nothing, saving does nothing but open Panther.
Any way to fix that?
Try opening the .image with Scratch.exe.
Shmolagin wrote:
Someone please make a Windows compiler.
What? Do you want to convert Dream files to exe?
Are you dreamod still doing this?